
Nursing Students NCLEX


I have a question to all my NCLEX test takers!!!!

When you were done with ur test did you get a Blue screen or a gray screen and did you pass? also how many times did u take the test?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

The colour of the screen doesn't matter on your result. We have had members post they passed with either colour.

honestly try to relax and just practice answering questions and read the rationale, even if you got it right and it will point you in the right direction and how to read the question and look for the answer

I didnt notice the color of the screen when am done. I didnt pay attention to it. I answered the maximum of 265 for 5 hrs and 15mins and passed.

Specializes in CAPD, Chemotherapy, ICU, General Med.

I had a blue screen and passed with 75 questions on the first try, but I honestly don't think the color of the screen has anything to do with passing or failing.

thanks everone I am getting so work up... for this test!!!! I just pray that I pass!!!! but thanks again!

Screen color has nothing to do with results of the test. Just another rumor.

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