IM shot question


I just completed my first semester of Nursing. I went to the local health dpt. to get my final Hep. shot. She gave it to me in my deltoid. When she finished she said she didn't know if she gave it in the right place because it didn't bleed. what happens if it didn't go into the muscle. While I am looking at it now it does appear to be a little to far to the outside of the imaginary triangle. The band-aid had a pinpoint of blood on it. I don't remember them telling me in school it was supposed to bleed. What should I do now. I paid $40 for the shot and what if it doesn't work. Will it still work if it doesn't go into the muscle. Thanks for the reply's.

Mary Ann

Specializes in Med-Surg, ER.
I just completed my first semester of Nursing. I went to the local health dpt. to get my final Hep. shot. She gave it to me in my deltoid. When she finished she said she didn't know if she gave it in the right place because it didn't bleed. what happens if it didn't go into the muscle. While I am looking at it now it does appear to be a little to far to the outside of the imaginary triangle. The band-aid had a pinpoint of blood on it. I don't remember them telling me in school it was supposed to bleed. What should I do now. I paid $40 for the shot and what if it doesn't work. Will it still work if it doesn't go into the muscle. Thanks for the reply's.

Mary Ann

You won't get much blood if you are fortunate and don't skewer a blood vessel on the way in. On the other hand, if you use a z-track method, you'll rarely see blood anyhow. If she got the vaccination into your body, you'll get the effect. The v-region of the deltoid is just the target, but your whole upper arm is wrapped in muscle. Don't sweat it.

Specializes in UR/PA, Hematology/Oncology, Med Surg, Psych.

She thought it wasn't given in the deltoid because it didn't bleed? That is the strangest thing I have ever heard! Does she think there is only a blood supply in the deltoid? Very, very weird.

I've received and given many an IM injection that didn't bleed. It's not a necessity.

If it didn't go into some muscle or other, you'd probably know it. And like Crocuta said, there's a lot of muscle. The belly of the deltoid is an ideal landmark, but if you miss that exact spot it won't make a difference.

Did she perhaps mean she didn't know if she got the Band-Aid in the right spot? I know many times if I give an injection, I have a hard time locating where to place the Band-Aid if there's no mark or drop of blood.

OH!!!!!! That makes so much sense. I do believe she meant the Band-Aid, now I feel stupid!!!!!! I feel much better now. I knew you smart folks would have just the answer I needed. That is why I love this website. I know I will be spending many many days here (during nursing school and after). Thanks again!!!!

Mary Ann

OH!!!!!! That makes so much sense. I do believe she meant the Band-Aid, now I feel stupid!!!!!! I feel much better now. I knew you smart folks would have just the answer I needed. That is why I love this website. I know I will be spending many many days here (during nursing school and after). Thanks again!!!!

Mary Ann

ROFL! Yes, I'm sure she meant that she didn't think she located the puncture to place the bandaid (because she didn't see a blood mark). :D

Specializes in ER/ ICU.

If you are a good shot giver... it won't bleed. I haven't had a pt bleed from one in years. Trust me, it's fine.

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