Im so sad.

Nurses General Nursing


Can someone please give me some good advice...l have been crying for two hours. Im 25 and all of my girlfriends are either married or living with a boyfriend and I just cant handle being by myself anymore. I live in a one-bedroom condo and have a pretty busy schedule with work and school but I cry myself to sleep every night. I have constant anxiety attacks throughout the whole night....on my bad days. Some days are good but I can't handle these nights. I start calling everybody I know in hope to feel better but I never do until the next morning...if it happens to be a good day. I have tried the internet deal for about a year now but I get more depressed every date I go on. The one guy I finally liked told me he had two kids after dating a couple months. The others are nightmare stories as well. Please has anyone been in my situation with a happy ending? I need some hope. :(

Dear adnstudent, I am so glad to hear that you have a doctors appt. and are trying something new. That took a lot of courage to come forth and mention your troubles as well as take some of our thoughts and move them forward into actions. I hope your weekend is a positive experience. Keep posting so I can keep up with you. You are in my prayers.

Jane Ann

ok... well... my little story....

I was hanging out with a dude for a LONG time... (2 years or so) we were close for a while, and when i thought that perhaps all was well, it all went down the tubes...

so.... for another stretch of time.... considerably less than 2 years... I was bummed... very bummed... AKA-- I was depressed... badly...

so... whaddid I do? I saw the shrink at work... she declared me nuts... but, we're friends and she knows I've never been quite right... and she told me to get out of the house more often(actually, I think she said 'if you stay cooped up in your house, you'll never meet anyone... so, go out someplace where you're comfortable...)... Then, I started going to a new religous group, as I've always practiced alone....(seriously... I had a change in religion.... talked to the goddess... found myself)

AND... in the process of doing that, I went to a circle around christmas... just talked to this dude, some small talk... nothing fancy.... turns out that we went to almost all the same events... tele numbers passed, and now we're going out... I wasnt looking... it kinda just crept up on me... Thats the best way to find it...



It will get better.... BUT... if you happen to hit the bottom of the barrell, look for a hole, and dig a tunnel out... tis easier than climbing....


Hey adnstudent........Are we long lost sisters?????? I truly understand your pain. I am 28...single kiddos...back in school.....and stressed. I feel as you do some days. Some are better than others. I have co-workers complaining about thier beaus and I actually miss the little nit picky arguments w/my ex. Seeing all your friends getting married and having babies ....well it does suck for me. I understand the lonliness you feel. I just keep hoping that God has the right person picked out for me and one day I will meet him. That is what keeps me going. I have also attended almost all of the Landmark forems........AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a long weekend and you will be so very emotionally drained.. I hope all goes well......keep an open mind! The one that made the biggest difference in my life was the one on of the relationships in my life have so dramatically changed. I hope you take care of yourself and take all of the advice you have recieved here to heart.........Keep us updated on me and tell me about your weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS>>>>> Take tissues!!!!!!! Where are you taking it?

Specializes in Med-Surg.

Hugs to you.

I spent the majority of my adult life alone, and living alone.

It takes time to be comfortable in your own skin. When I hit 36 and was still sleeping alone, I decided to accept the fact it may always be that way.

Of course, I got married that same year and have been for six years. So I know I'm no help, but I can relate.

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Being married isn't all fun and games either.

Wow, old post.

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