I'm In!!!

Nursing Students General Students


For those of you who read my post about my DUI and the problems I was having trying to get into the program - Well I'm in. I had my lawyer write a letter and they accepted me and someday (2 years) I will be the best damn nurse that I can possibly be! School starts Tuesday and I am psyched!:D

I haven't even taken the plastic wrap off all the books I bought for fear I might have to return them - but now I can - I can't tell you happy I am! Thanks for listening! Have a great Labor Day Weekend everybody and lets start hittin' them books!:)

Congratulatons on your official acceptance to the nursing program. I trust your stress level has come down a little bit. I hope you are ready for all the work that is going to be passed your way.:)

WTG Karen!! Congratulations!!:D

Glad to hear everything turned out the way you wanted them to!!

Congrats Karen :)

And i am sure you WILL be the best damned nurse you can be :) Way to fight!

I was beginning to wonder Karen! It seemed like so long ago you first told us about your situation. (Although I'm sure it seemed like longer to you)!

Congrats to you on "getting in!" Your fight to get in will make you appreciate it all the more! I wish you the best of luck with nursing school, and all you do!


that's fantastic. i can relate, my husband may have problems as well. i'll tell him to keep his head up. :D

Praise God! I think that's wonderful! You will be a fantastic nurse and I am so proud of you that you fought for what you believed in and didn't just bow down and take it. Sometimes we have to fight when we know what's right... and again, I am thrilled for you! Do well in school and know I am praying for you!

Julie :D :D :D

AWESOME job!!!!

That's great. I am sure, like the other posters, that you will be one hell of a nurse, having fought so hard to get to this point. We are all behind you, and will help in any way that we can.


Congratulations, Karen!! I can almost hear your sigh of relief from here! :D :D :D

WTG Karen. I am glad to hear that. Many people make mistakes eariler in their lifes. People do and can change and when people make major changes they should be applaud not put down. It is not always easy to change. Some people would have gave up in your situation but you did not give up. When you start nursing school it is going to be tough but just remember what you did to get into nursing school in the first place and then know if you can get through getting into nursing school you can get through nursing school too.

Congrats......I'm glad to here it turned out well for you......I know you will appreciate the challenge of the hard work you have to put in especially since you had to fight to get there so good luck!

Congratulations, Karen! I'm glad it all worked out for you! :)


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