Im exploring other healthcare career options

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hey, I've been through quite a scuffle in this pre-nurse journey and making a decision to pursue it. I recent graduated with my bachelors in general health education. My plan was to go to a nursing program after I was finished.

I however do have an interest in nutrition, and I know entering a Masters Nutrition or Dietician program would not be a good idea as jobs as I hear have become limited.

Right now I'm a substitute teacher, and I'm still taking pre- requisites.

Is there any other possibilities for me to consider?

Being a substitute teacher isn't really something I enjoy, but what job is?

Let's discuss pre-nurses, or even nurses with experience, I'm sure many of the nurses have worked with individuals in all kinds of positions. What other careers can I get into?

Of course you should like your job but to love it, thats not good because then you always want to work right, and that may not be healthy on both the body and mind.


Not right. Actually, very wrong. Most people are not fortunate enough to have a job that they truly love doing. Those who are blessed to have a job that they love are truly blessed! I still don't understand your reasoning that loving one's job means it must be bad for you. I think you might be confusing those who do not respect professional boundaries with those who do. Loving one's job and remaining at a professional distance and pace is what keeps people loving their jobs. Those who cross boundaries, those are the people who will find themselves in trouble. I can only imagine that you have never had a job you loved. While that's sad, it is of course common too. Hope you luck out better next time.

Shadow shadow shadow!! Try to put yourself in a situation where you will see what the various positions actually entail; it will give you a much better sense for the roles than reading about them online. Similarly, if you can volunteer in close proximity to those healthcare professionals (i.e. on a hospital unit) to better understand what they do. Best of luck!

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