Published Apr 2, 2013
400 Posts
Hi everyone! I'm so excited and proud to announce I just got a job for my local health department in women's health! I can't believe it! Any words of wisdom or advice? I've been stalking this forum for the past few months and it seems like a happy place LOL. I think most people here are very happy with their jobs and that is important to me. I feel like I made the right decision stepping away from 13 hour night shifts but even more so I am looking forward to being a part of the community and being an educator and providing good quality care to our underserved population. I can't believe they chose me, I am so blessed. So here I am! Introducing myself to my new extended family! The public health and community health forum!
185 Posts
Congrats Rizz! Welcome to public health nursing -you will LOVE it! And do not let any nurse tell you that it is not a "real" specialty or nursing job. I've heard this too many times from acute care hospital nurses.
265 Posts
This! Congratulations!
wish_me_luck, BSN, RN
1,110 Posts
358 Posts
Congrats! I've interviewed for multiple PHN positions, but I simply cannot afford my student loans (BSN and MPH) working in a county health department. You'll definitely be getting your hands dirty and making a difference!
... And do not let any nurse tell you that it is not a "real" specialty or nursing job. I've heard this too many times from acute care hospital nurses.
You know what's funny? Very few shifts have I felt like a "real nurse" at my hospital job. Most of the time I feel like a drug wielding paper pusher! I spend most of my time passing meds, charting, and calling other departments to find out why they didn't do their job. Of course I work nights but I think this is even worse on dayshift on my floor. I'm really looking forward to the focus being on the patient and having the time to educate! I think I'll feel more like a real nurse in the community setting than I do now
Yeah health departments all over are really suffering with lack of funding in this economy. It's really sad how many services have been cut and how some facilities have required their employees to take pay cuts instead of raises! You'd think with this Obama-Care situation funding would be increased? But I am a bit confused on how things are funded. Maybe health departments are completely locally funded? As in just the county only? I obviously have a lot to learn. It just seems with the push to give everyone health care under the Obama administration more efforts would be made to beef up the health departments.
120 Posts
Yay for you!!
Well I've been here a month now! I'm learning a lot and still with a preceptor but I'm about ready to be on my own at least some of the time. I think this month has been the fastest in my life!!! I'm enjoying my weekends and seeing my kids every day.
19 Posts
What are some things to know for an interview for the health department? Can someone please reply? I've posted this similar question in various places across the forum and no one has ever replied.
7 Posts
How do you find a job like this ?
128 Posts
Do you need med surg exp? I don't like the hospital setting, bedside nursing sucks!!!