I'm becoming very discouraged

Nurses Job Hunt


I took my NCLEX exam before Thanksgiving and have been putting in applications. I put in maybe 35 applications and went in person to several places. So far I've gotten one interview and then was declined for 35 positions. I'm beginning to think as a new nurse I'm never going to get a job. I went into nursing school being told there were all kinds of jobs and we'd get a job as soon as we were out. I'm about to loose my home and don't know what else to try. Some of my cohort already have jobs. They were offered during their preceptorship but the place I was put does not hire new nurses.

Any way just needed somewhere to go vent and cry. Anyone have ideas how I can make myself more presentable or capable to get that first job as a nurse?

I think the OP is a new grad, so things like dialysis usually require experience, want 2 years medsurge or ICU to start with THEN they will offer to train you in dialysis, at least that's the requirement in my area.

That's interesting. Where I live, dialysis clinics are one of the surest bets for new grad RNs with no experience. It's usually the other way around here. A new RN will have to spend a year or two in a job like dialysis and *then* he goes out and tries to get a med surg or ICU job.

Specializes in Public Health, Women's Health.

The dialysis clinics in my area say "willing to train new grads". Unfortunately, the recruiter there told me that jobs are so hard to come by they had a good amount of experienced nurses applying to choose from.

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