Published Mar 27, 2007
roxxy3773, RN, APRN
215 Posts
I found out this weekend that I got into NHTI. I had a friend checking my mail while I was gone for the weekend, I just knew it would come in while I was gone!!
I am still waiting to hear from Stratham and Manchester though. It is going to be kind of complicated because I am in Hawaii, and I wasn't thinking about how I would need to return for the orientation and class registration, I was just thinking about getting back before classes begin. I'm not quite sure how I will manage that, but I will have to figure something out. Oh well, at least I am in!
kukukajoo, LPN
1,310 Posts
Congrats!!! I am sure they will work with you on orientation of you explain your situation. Also, keep tabs with someone who will be attending and have them fill you in. The one at Laconia was not a big deal at all and there were some who did not make it.
Take care!!!
donsterRN, ASN, BSN
2,558 Posts
Congratulations; excellent news!!!
AnnieOaklyRN, BSN, RN, EMT-P
2,598 Posts
Congrats. I am a senior nursing student at NHTI and the program is hard, but worth the work in the end!! Good Luck.
68 Posts
Yay Roxxy - I'm really glad that you got in. Is this where you'll say yes to even if you get in other places?
I look forward to meeting you. - Jane
Thanks everyone for your supportive words!
kukukajoo~ good to know, I was kind of stressing about spending the money and time away to get back there for that. I would really like to go and meet everyone but it is expensive to fly back and I don't have the time to take from work until I leave my job completely. I did contact them about it, just waiting to hear back.
swtooth~ I have heard really good things about NHTI, it is a little further for me but it seems to have a great reputation. Do you get to choose where you do clinicals for the most part? I saw that there are clinicals in Manchester, Laconia, Tilton and Concord. Manchester would be closer to me and Laconia would be a bit of a drive. That is my biggest concern about NHTI at this point. It would be about a 45 minute drive to Concord in good weather, so Laconia would be quite a drive for me.
Hey DoGood2u~ it is actually the furthest from me, but I don't want distance to be the only reason I decide on a school. I am on the fence because I have heard such good things about NHTI. I am going to pay my deposit and see if I get in anywhere else and then I will have to make a decision. I do have a friend that lives in Manchester so I always have a place to crash if need be or the weather is bad, so that wouldn't be so bad. So I just don't know...but not a bad predicament though, I am thrilled to know that I am in at this point!
I think I am leaning toward NHTI though despite the distance... :)
78 Posts
CONGRATS!!! I will see you in the fall!!
Does anyone know how many are accepted into NHTI anyway? Just wondering how big classes are at NHTI compared to Mancester and Stratham. Thanks!
They usually accept about 110 students with about 400 applicants. You only get to choose your clinicals in the last semester; however if you have a really predicament with clinical site being to far away you would be able to try and switch with another student.
I was told they took 80 people this year! I don't know though, maybe she was wrong?