Published Sep 15, 2010
51 Posts
I'm planning to take the ILA OPI next friday. Anyone who knows anything about ILA OPI? What questions are being asked? How long will it take to finish the exam? and How would i prepare for this exam??? I need to take this exam to get a license here in Maryland.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
9 Posts
Hi Paolo, i'm going to take the ILA interview next friday too. And i think that's the hardest part of this test coz we don't have any idea what they are going to ask during the interview. good luck for both of us.
cool. Are you also applying for MD licensure by endorsement or licensure by examination?? Any idea about the exam? What is your Nationality by the way? I'm a Filipino.
yes. licensure by examination, and i'm also a Filipino/a. i just received the confirmation letter from ila-opi and they said i'm having my interview at charlestown retirement community, where will be your test site?
Honestly, I'm not registered yet. But i talked to a girl earlier she said i could still register tomorrow for next week's exam. So i don't know yet which testing site will i take the exam. Did you finish your nursing course here in the USA? I took the California NCLEX so i'm just applying for licensure by endorsement. So you need to take the CGFNS? Right?
I'll let you know my testing site tomorrow after i register for the exam. Hoping we'll be on the same testing site.
actually the cgfns that they need is not a test, it's just ces (comparison of the curriculum here and the nursing curriculum in the phils). yes i already got my report from them, like 2wks ago, and the mbon already received them. the funny thing is i didn't apply for my eligibility when they received it, so i was in hurry last week to send my application to them, have my fingerprint done, and apply for ila-opi.
That's good. When are you planning to take the NCLEX exam? Goodluck! What year did you finish your nursing course and what school?? I going to post my testing site tomorrow. Hopefully it is the same testing site as
i don't know yet, coz i need to pass this english test first. and i'm waiting for the eligibility from bon. ahh. 2008 i graduated at bpsu in Bataan. how bout you? yes i'm hoping too, at least i know somebody. coz as of now i don't have any idea about the focus of the interview and the topics that they are going to ask.
I graduated at San Juan de Dios Educational Foundation Inc. located in Pasay City in 2008. Did you take the June or November board exam? I took the June board exam. What time is your test on Friday?
i took the board november of 2008, supposed to be june but my review center had an issue, they got all our documents and told us that they are going to file the papers, we didnt knew that it was a scam. so it caused a major delay on filing until the deadline arrived. anyway, my interview time is 4pm. hope to see you there!
Hi angel,
Unfortunately I can't make it this Friday. I thought I could just call the OPI department, provide my info and credit card info, and they could register me for the exam. But they told me that i still need to mail the registration form. Sorry to hear that you've been a victim of scum. I've heard of that issue before but didn't pay too much attention to it. Do you have fb account? Maybe you could send me a private message with your fb account or e-mail add. I also want to give you some 'tips' for NCLEX exam.