If you are a repeat NCLEX taker, you'll often find yourself comparing yourself to your classmates. Everyone has passed, gotten their dream jobs, and everyone wants to know how and why you failed. Seems like no one understands you right? Trust me, I've been there before. I was constantly comparing myself to the progress they've made while I was still struggling to pass my exam.
I just wanted to share some words of encouragement to those who are repeat NCLEX takers and things that helped me make it through the day:
The moment we can stop comparing ourselves to others progress and their journey, we'll be able to fulfill our own.
Have faith in yourself!
What happened in the past is just that - in the past! Prepare to move on and begin a new journey. Take it as something that helped mold you into the strong individual you are today. This is a new chance for you.
The only true failure is when we never get back up and try again.
This is your time, speak it into existence.
Stop setting limits on what you can do, and learn to push past them.
Challenge yourself.
Forgive yourself.
A dream delayed does not mean denial. Push through!
Remember, the only way out is through.
Breathe and exude confidence.
Visualize that title behind your name.
Always give 200% into what you do and the things that you want in your life.
Smile, laugh, and love.
Pray hard, work hard, play hard.
Now go pass the test! I hope this helped someone out there. You are a NURSE! :)