How many times have I heard nurses say, "Oh, sure, we do THAT because we've always done it that way." Or how about, "That nurse did it one time, so it's ok for me to do it" And another, "We did that at the last hospital so it must be ok to do it here." And my favorite, "It's easier and I've always done it like that".
Dear nurses,
If you want to get into some trouble one day, do what everyone is always doing...without question. It's nursing PRACTICE. It is professional and is backed by NURSING RESEARCH. To draw blood from a foot, to not monitor a patient, to give treatments, with your only excuse as "That's what we always do" or "I did this at another hospital" is stupid. And if that is the only logic you can apply to your tasks then you are not practicing wisely or safely. Do not depend on what others are doing. You have policy and procedures and even they should be able to stand the test of questioning.