ICU Interview Questions?


Hi Everyone!

I'm a college senior graduating in May and I just got an interview for the ICU that I currently am completing my Practicum at. I just wanted some tips/examples of questions that people have gotten during an interview with their ICU's?

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
Hi Everyone!

I'm a college senior graduating in May and I just got an interview for the ICU that I currently am completing my Practicum at. I just wanted some tips/examples of questions that people have gotten during an interview with their ICU's?

If you're a new grad, we don't expect you to be able to answer any complicated questions about our patients. We just want to know you're someone we want to work with -- we can train you to do the job. So the questions you might get will focus on your being a good, dependable employee or not. For instance, do you have a plan to get to work during a blizzard? Are you prepared to STAY at work as long as you're needed? Do you understand that if there's a natural disaster, you may be at work for 3 days or more? Do you have plans in place to care for pets, children, elders? What's your attitude toward getting to work on time? Are you able to get along with others, or do you have a lot of conflicts or drama? Do you have a history of call outs? Why do you want to work in ICU? (And please don't say because you only have to have one or two patients OR that you're only staying until you get into anesthesia school.) Why do you want to work in this hospital?

Be friendly -- be someone we want to work with. We'll teach you the job.

Specializes in Critical care.

Look online at situational interview questions. Most jobs focus on those now as Ruby Vee stated. When I was finishing up my program I found an instructor who was willing to take a bit of time and review my responses with me. Before becoming a full time instructor he was a manager and was able to help me fine tune my responses to the common questions I had found online.

Good luck!

Thank you so much for the pointers Ruby Vee! The interview is this week so I'll keep all of this in mind :)

Also thank you to AceOfHearts! I'll definitely look up some situational questions and prepare some responses ahead of time. Hopefully one of my instructors or my preceptor will take some time to do a mock interview to see how well the responses flow!

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