ICU or CCU stepdown?


Specializes in ER.

I am graduating in 2 weeks (yay me!!) and am still in the dilemma of finding a job. I had an interview at a small ICU at one hospital and have one tomorrow in a large CCU stepdown unit at another. Both hospitals are owned by the same company but what I am trying to figure out is, if I get an offer from either one, which would be the better route to take for starting off and wanting to continue to learn and grow as a critical care nurse?

If I were you, I would take the CCU stepdown job.

I graduated last May and went into an ICU at a level on trauma center immediately after graduation. That was a HUGE mistake!

It's best to you get a good foundation, then work your way up to the critical areas. That way, the learning curve is not so steep.

But it's your choice.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

The small ICU will probably not give you as much exposure as a large ICU. They may not have the same level of A lines and drips and medications that you would see at a larger ICU. Whereas the ICU stepdown job may not have many of these either, but you will get more variety for sure and some exposure. After a while they may train you to float to ICU as well. Good luck at your interviews!

PS. I survived ICU as a new grad, but granted it was not a Level 1 trauma hospital. But it is 47 bed/open hearts etc. Some say new grads can't do it, but the reality is some do just fine.

Specializes in ER.

Well both interviews went well, now it is the waiting game, the small ICU is a 8 bed unit that is about to expand to 12 when they get cardio thoracic this summer, the step down is a 16 bed unit with a 16 bed CCU connected to the stepdown. They said after a few months that I could possibly transfer to the CCU if they feel I am ready

Specializes in ED, ICU, MS/MT, PCU, CM, House Sup, Frontline mgr.

find out the type of patients both care for and the acuity. a small icu is not what you think!! i worked in a larger hospital prior to my current hospital. the patients that go to my current hospital's icu are the same type of patients i had in med surg working in a larger hospital. the only difference was the fact that the med surg units i worked did not take vent patients. that is all! so, nurses who worked the med surg floors there are working icu with no problems at the smaller hospitals in the surrounding area. also ccu step-downs can be hard too. i worked on one as a new grad and it was no joke! so you need to know that type of training and orientation time you will receive along with the patient acuity prior to making a choice. who knows the icu may be a better and easier learning experience out of the two for a new grad? your experience depends on a lot of factors, not just the name of the unit. gl.

Specializes in Endoscopy/MICU/SICU.

I would definitely do the CCU stepdown, if I were you. That way, you can get some great experience, and if you feel comfortable, have the option to go to the CCU. I started in a step down unit, and I'm so glad I did it. The learning curve is steep once you get out of school. Good luck!

I just got my first nursing job in critical care. The CC nurses float between ICU and the Step Down Unit. I work at a small hospital in a somewhat small town.

I LOVE IT!! In my own experience, I think because it is such a small hospital/unit (8 bed ICU, 8 stepdown), the nurses are a close knit bunch (we don't have any CNAs, so we rely on each other A LOT) and are willing to grab me to experience something new, and are very open to help me. It's also great because I am getting ICU experience but we aren't a trauma center so it isn't TOO overwhelming.

I personally like the ICU better than step down because everything is much more controlled in the ICU. Many patients are intubated and sedated, so you can spend alot of time on your assessments and patient care without being interrupted by call lights and such, and you can start to improve your time management skills without your day being totally chaotic.

That's just me though... I would go for a small ICU. But either unit would be great experience and you will most definitely learn a ton!

Good Luck!

I would have to say the CCU. I was on a step down unit for 1 year and transfered to the ICU which is mostly cardiac/med surg, and I feel that starting off slow on the step down unit was the best for me. I also think that it would be best for you also. There is alot to learn in your fist years and it you be easier to do so on a smaller unit.:)

Specializes in ER.

Well I didn't get the CCU job and still have heard nothing from the ICU job. I applied for a few more jobs so hopefully I will hear something. Thank yall for your suggestions though.

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