I want to study in America IELTS or TOEFL that better one

World International


TOEFL is changing like IELTS SOON. I think the best test for students is IELTS.

I want to study in America which one I should take course.

Who can you tell me to answer this question?

Thankful If you tell me.


There is no time limit as to how long you have. You need to have English completed for your Visa Screen Certificate.

There is an excellent porgram that is available on-line for preparing for the IELTS exam. It can be found at http://www.scottsenglish.com. The program is based out of Australia, where IELTS reigns and they have an excellent program. Yuo can pay by the month or for a three month program, and access it as much as you want. I have been quite impressed with their program.

Thank you for the information Suzanne. My fiance is already in the US and she has a work permit and recieved her RN certification here. My fiance has received a letter from the INS, she was given until middle of August to provide all the paperwork (which includes the IELTS or TSE test results) otherwise she can get a denial for permenant residence (I-485 adjustmen of status) application. She has taken the IELTS, unfortunately she got 1/2 point below the pass value, so she needs to take it again. But she cannot take another IELTS test within 90 days of the previous one. Now she is studying for TSE (we are always conversing on different topics to improve her spoken English), so she can take it before the INS deadline.

Anyhow I am not sure if you have any ideas on this process, we'd appreciate any advice on this.

best regards,


Do you already have a date scheduled for the TSE? There is a 90 day waiting list in many cities. That is the major reason that the IELTS was given approval to be used.

I would still suggest that she use the program that I listed above. It will be more thorough in covering what is needed..............and be more specific in correcting what she is doing wrong.

The IELTS is actually the easier of the two in the speaking section because you have a human examiner in front of you, with TSE it is done by tape recorder. So I think that the program would be beneficial for that reason too.

Check it out and let me know what you think...............cost is only about $49 for one month or about $89 for three months. Definitely worth the cost, in my opinion. :)

Yes, on the 9th we have the TSE exam.

Yes the IELTS does seem to be easier since you are dealing with a person instead of talking to a machine. But she had trouble with the Australian accent. She'd have passed if she could understand the Australian accent.. Had I known I'd have found some Australian radio on the web and get her to listen to it before the exam.

Anyhow, thanks for the advice. I did try the link you mentioned, it did not work last week, but now it seems to be working. We will check it out.


I have a question about the english tests.

I` m an American citizen with SSN and live aboard in Germany. I`m a Nurse here in Germany and would like to go back to the US.

My Nursing program/school was in geramn language.

Do I have to take an englsih test? OR are the tests only if you are applying for a Visa ?

Thanks Monica

Technically, you do not need to take the English exams since you do not need a visa. But you need to make sure that your credentials will be accepted for licensure, essentially that you had enough hours, etc. in your program to meet the requirements for licensure in the US.

Are you going for licensure as an RN or LPN?

However, there are a couple of states that will require that you take English exams if your training was overseas. And that is even if you have a US passport, I know that Massachusetts is one that requres the TSE for licensure if your nursing training was overseas.

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