I want your favorite


Specializes in NICU, adult med-tele.

bottle feeding tips. Especially for those XXL term children who because of addiction or other reasons would rather claw your face off than take a bottle.:[anb]:

When I PO term kids that are withdrawing, I wrap them up good, tuck them under my arm close to my side facing away from me and feed them.

Specializes in Level III NICU.

For those big kids that are constantly trying to launch themselves off your lap, I swaddle them, sit them facing out so their back is against my belly/chest and then wrap one arm around them, the other arm puts the bottle in their mouth. Keeps them from arching backwards onto the floor. You can also give cheek/chin support pretty well with the hand that is feeding.

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

I wrap their arms down and swaddle them. For the LGA kids that have crappy tone & don't know what to do w/ a nipple, a chin/cheek support works some good.

Specializes in NICU.

I say a quick prayer to God.

Specializes in NICU, adult med-tele.
I say a quick prayer to God.

LOL! Ok I have an embarassing confession...

I am not asking this for work. I have not worked since my daughter was born in Aug...

but I can't get her to take a bottle! To save my life! She's not withdrawing but that's what she acts like! Any time a bottle or pacifier gets near her lips! Sooooo stressful. She has reflux really bad too. It drives me nuts because I feel like I should be able to deal! But it is different when it is your own kid!

So anybody want to borrow her for a few weeks and do some feeding with her! LOL That is a joke...mostly

Specializes in NICU.

Aja, How have you been feeding her? breast/bottle, a combination? Is she gaining/losing weight? How old is she?

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

I gave both of my girls a bottle once a day, from day 1 in the hospital. I wasn't the least bit concerned about establishing breastfeeding or nipple confusion (which I don't believe exists.) I was concerned about the prospect of their developing such a preference for the breast that I would never be able to leave them for more than a few hours.

Despite my best efforts, they both went on "bottle strike." For my oldest it was only temporary. It began at about 2 months of age, lasted for a few weeks, then she got over it and resumed taking an occasional bottle. With my youngest, it was a new way of life. From the age of about 2 months, she utterly refused to take a bottle under any circumstances, filled with any liquid, for anyone.

Because she needed medication that was better not given via a nipple (Fe, which tastes terrible and stains the teeth) we started her on a sippy cup at the ripe old age of 4 months. Worked like a charm.

If your problem stems from "bottle strike," perhaps a cup would work. My very best to you. I remember your pain.

BTW, she is now 10 years old, still stubborn, but well nourished.

Specializes in NICU.

A coworker of mine is having the same problem right now. I believe she found some kind of squeezy contraption with a spoon or something on the end. It sounds almost like syringe feeding, but less asinine.

Specializes in NICU, adult med-tele.
A coworker of mine is having the same problem right now. I believe she found some kind of squeezy contraption with a spoon or something on the end. It sounds almost like syringe feeding, but less asinine.

OMG! I neeeeed the name of that thingy!

I am the world's worst "feeder" too. I can never get those darn little babies to eat. The next shift would come on and jsut shake their heads cause I would have tube fed some kid that had been PO'ing everything for a few days.

iyqyqr, she is ok. I did not mean to imply she wouldn't eat at all. She breastfeeds but our cycle goes like this: Cry to be fed, suck, suck, suck then pop off in anger/pain I assume due to reflux. Then scream again. Then fall asleep for a ridiculously short period of time, then do it all again! She is a fatty though, so the peds, and me too a little, have not taken the reflux thing seriously. I am going to get them to send me to a GI at her well kid check next week. She is 4 mos old so this has carried on too long.

Jolie too thx for the advice. Previously I had kept saying no, she's too little for a sippy but she is going on 4 mos old now. I am so baffled by this baby. Moral of the story, well, there are several, but the main one is that a 400 gram infant makes for a very long night but it might just be the one who calls you "mom" that totally kicks your ass and gets the best of you!:lol2:

Term kids that reflux I give cold bottles to. I imagine it feels better going down and they don't fight it.

I don't know how to help you with breastfeeding your little one since you can't make your breast give cold milk. Good luck!

Specializes in NICU.

Hey Aja

I asked my friend today, and she said it's the Boon Spoon. The baby has to be old enough to handle thickened liquid, though, as you have to mix the milk with rice cereal or something for it to work.

Good luck!

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