Published May 10, 2010
145 Posts
Been an RN for 6 months and have been working for that long. I do not find the job terribly difficult, busy at times, but completely manageable. But I am getting sick of dealing with most of these patients. I don't know if its just the south or not, but half these people are drug seeking, whining self involved hypocrites. I hate busting my butt for someone that is completely non compliant with their medications and continue to smoke and eat like a pig. Sorry, I am not going to break my back and injure myself for these people... It is a breath of fresh air to actually take care of the rare patient that actually needs it and was just unlucky. But WOW, no wonder healthcare is so expensive. Does anyone feel the same way?
1,845 Posts
These people???? Not everyone from the south is drug seeking and eat like pigs.I live in NC and find it a little offensive. I know your venting but try not to be so judgemental toward your patients.
I was raised in the south as well, I am not trying to be offensive in any way. So I will rephrase it, how about "some" of these people... I was curious if its more prevalent here than other areas. Some travelers have said it is.
7,098 Posts
I think most types of patients are everywhere. One time a guy was here complaining about the general boorishness of the clientele and their good ol' boy antics. Surprisingly, he lived in Maine.
57 Posts
Let this person vent. Don't open the thread if you can't acknowledge that the comments being made might be out of frustration and anger..
87 Posts
Cherish the few that can benefit from you. :)
--words from a dear clinical instructor of mine.
I felt nearly the same frustration in L and D rotation- the patients were almost all teens or were on their 7th baby, funded by the state, and using street drugs. It made me sad!!!
Hang in there, maybe a different area of nursing would help you feel like you are able to help more... eventually, at least!
194 Posts
When I encounter a drug-seeking pt I just thank a higher power that I am NOT in their shoes, living their live, feeling their pain; whatever! My life is good, and thankfully I am more blessed than many of my pts. I just keep a smile on my face :) and do my job, which is to keep pts comfortable. It's too easy to judge people without knowing what brought them to the state they are in.
Purple_Scrubs, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,978 Posts
This is one reason I went into pediatrics :)
80 Posts
i agree with "let her vent". everybody has feelings they need to get off their chest and it just make a person feel like crap when attacked for it. after all we are a "nurses for nurses" community and we all have bad days. so humptydumpty, i hope you have better days soon and maybe think about switching to a different specialty. good luck, hun