I saved a life today! hehe


I worked triage today. EMS radio went off. Transporting a 57 y/o female. Pt was seen at a rural clinic today and was sent to our facility with a c/o cyanotic hands, lips, and ears. She was seen 2 days prior at a local small hospital where they were unable to diagnose the cause of her cyanosis. The pt's vital signs were stable and her o2 sat was 98% on room air.

I met the EMS at the door. The patient truely had very blue hands. Cap refill was

After a good laugh she left without being seen.


That's cute. I see a lot of stuff at triage where the patients just need to stop and think first before freaking out. Depending on the facility and the doc, she could've gotten a PE study to rule out emboli, lol...

I had to chuckle after reading that. Thanks for a little humor for once. :clown:

Specializes in ER - trauma/cardiac/burns. IV start spec.

We got a call that the medics were bringing us a teen involved in MVA with cyanotic legs and feet. Her car landed in the creek just below a bridge.

We were confused because it was July and in the deep south shallow creeks aren't that cold.

They wheeled her into the 1st trauma bay and we checked her feet -------After we cut off her blue STOCKINGS.

Boy did the medics feel dumb. We had a good laugh though.:chuckle

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.

Alcohol (Swab) Saves a Life! :p

:roll i like that!!!!!:roll

You get a gold star for that story! Thanks for the laugh!!!

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

Yep! Definitely another gold star. Way to go with ye old alcohol prep!:D

I really did save a little girl's life once. She was choking. A huge jawbreaker had gotten lidged in her trachea. Nothing happened the first thrust via Heimlich, so I did it a second time, and by dingies a big yellow jawbreaker flew out of her little mouth and rolled away on the floor.:D I then disappeared, and went home happy as a clam.;)

Specializes in Emergency Room/corrections.

WTG!!! Great job. LOLOL

I once removed a large "bruise" off of a girls leg with my alcohol pads..... she was wearing new jeans:rolleyes:

Specializes in LTC, CPR instructor, First aid instructor..

:chuckle :kiss

Haha your magic alcohol is really great!

I know working as nurses isn't that easy. Sometimes we need a person with a sense of humor. We need some funny situation but not life threatening huh...hehe...we must be alert and laugh after the intense pressure and great responsibilities...

Specializes in obstetrics(high risk antepartum, L/D,etc.

A wise person once said "There is little a nurse can't do with adhesive tape, an alcohol sponge, and a pair of bandage scissors" :chuckle :rotfl:

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