I recieved my letter from nursing school

Nurses Announcements Archive


And it went like this.....they are putting me on a waiting list for the month of June. They will send me a letter by July 15th to let me know if I'm accepted or not....what????....I have never heard of such a thing. At my college the policy is, if you're not accepted for the Fall semester you are put on a waiting list for the following Fall. The only thing I can think of is that many students applied to other nursing schools and are still awaiting responses OR they could've put me on the waiting list due to the fact that when I was an Early Childhood Education major I took all of the pre-req's required for Nursing....:confused: ...hopefully this is the case. I am going to e-mail my dean and tell her my concerns.


"RN 2B"

They may be giving the people that were accepted a deadline to confirm their spot, in which case your waiting list may be the short list for people who will be offered spots left vacant by accepted people who don't confirm by the deadline. Did that make sense?

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.
Originally posted by kimtab

They may be giving the people that were accepted a deadline to confirm their spot, in which case your waiting list may be the short list for people who will be offered spots left vacant by accepted people who don't confirm by the deadline. Did that make sense?

Lots Of Love @ You, Kim! It made sense; Fatima, you are probably an alternate. At the school I am attending they have five alternates for the reason previously stated by Kim.


Specializes in Med-Surg.

Fatima, I was awaiting your post. I remembered that you said June 15th was the big day.

I also agree that you are an alternate. You must be pretty high on the list of people right after the cutoff number (maybe the top 5 on the list or so) for them to say you'll get a response in just a month from now. Once they know for sure who's accepting their spot or not, then they can let you know.

Hope this helped.

I hope you got in, please let us know.

I wouldn't sweat it at all. You know that like other things, many people change their minds and decide to do other things. I would count on it because if you're not prepared you could be rushing doing things that should be done now.

Don't worry a bit but still keep us updated!


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