Published Nov 17, 2015
3,393 Posts
I've been moaning (just in my head) all day about not feeling good and convincing myself that I feel fine. I took a 1/4 sick day yesterday to take my daughter to the dentist and I'm taking a sick day on Friday, so I was telling myself "tough through this. You got this"
Then I remembered- I got the flu shot yesterday. That could explain my nausea and aches/pains. Real smooth diagnosing, Nurse... :)
I should be fine by tomorrow, right?? I'll just have a low key evening. Hope my kids are feeling OK since we all got it yesterday.
Flare, ASN, BSN
4,431 Posts
Flu shot immune response stinks feel better! - i woke up feeling crummy this morning but was able to shake it off by about ten. It never ceases to amaze me, though. We are expected to listen to a virtual cacophony of complaints from students and staff about this ache, pain and minor discomfort - but how often does anyone ever check up on us?
Right?? I took off yesterday an hour and a half before school ended and asked my principal if they could do without a sub since I knew I was leaving early. She said they'd be fine... First thing I heard this morning when she heard my key turn in the door was "Good Lord! You are not allowed to leave ANYMORE!" Uh... Yes I am. I get the same benefits as every other employee. :Hellboy:
MrNurse(x2), ADN
2,558 Posts
That sounds like salary bargaining time ammo. The bad thing of being the only medical person in the building is isolation, the good thing is that it only takes an hour or so of absence to feel appreciated. Staff come and go here all day long, even those with classes, but when I need an hour or so, I come back to nothing but love.
NutmeggeRN, BSN
2 Articles; 4,704 Posts
I'm here for you Flare!