I Passed The Teas Today

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


:D I passed the teas test today! I studied so hard. This was my second time (only allowed 2 times) so if I didn't pass I would have to wait until Jan instead of Sept. AHHHHHHH!!!! What a relief.:yeah:

You will do fine. Important to relax and take your time on the reading and english, because you are given alot of time for it. Time yourself at home when doing math problems so you are used to doing them on a limit. Science all you can do is read and try to absorb as best as you can. Believe it or not I guessed on alot of science questions and got them right. Just jnarrow down answers. You will do great!! Think like you already passed the test!!! Congrats!!:yeah:

:ancong!:: Now you can relax a little!:yeah:

I guess you need to change your name now! :D


Congrats!!! Today I took the TEAS for the first time and also PASSED!!

I got an 81% overall and I am sooo happy to be done with the TEAS!!!

Good luck to all :):yeah::heartbeat:bowingpur

Congratulations! Which book did you study? I 'm going to take teas test soon but don't know which guide book is the best. Thank you

I used the TEAS "test for essential academic skills" study manual which you can buy from the ATI website at www.atitesting.com . They also sell a computerized 100 question exam on their website which I purchased as well. Overall the format is the same as the computerized test on their site, but the material in the study guide is SOOO much better to prepare you for the test.

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