Published Sep 28, 2012
612 Posts
(= I passed! I passed! I passed!
Is it silly to be SO excited about passing vital signs check off? is it? is it?
Well Well(=Yeah. I was SO nervous. My BP was 150/110.
I know that's terrible and I KNOW I need to control my stress because If I'M not healthy then how will I take of my patients.
Any advice on channeling the stress? What happens to me is that I end up fearing failure. I end up fearing failure and I lose confidence in my self. My nursing instructor told me that I will lose the nerves, the jitters, and I will carry my self a lot better.
The nerves aren't associated with shyness or anything like.
It's nerves due to fear of failure. She said I need tot trust my self because I am right.
You guys can tell me all you want on WAYS to get there but if I dont act upon the advice nothing will be done.
I will act on the advice. I am receptive to learning. Unlike so many people in my class I admit to knowing little. having so much to learn. I will never learn it all. I will never be THE perfect nurse but at least give me some tips on eliminating the nerves a bit. Tell me the secrets of carrying your self with such confidence... tell me (=
(we haven't begun clinicals... but I feel excited for it and actually looking forward with patient interaction. I did assistance at nursing homes and I LOVED interacting with patients. Their trust propels me and gives me confidence and this was confirmed to me by a higher level student... the skills check off are scary because the older, experienced, highly educated nurse is looking right at you. yah know?)
anyway enough talking. I'm open eyes... (ears no.. since we're online lol).
Skips, MSN, RN
518 Posts
Holy goodness. Your BP was that high from stress?! You really need to work on reducing that.
Does your school have a counselor that can help with stress and anxiety? Give student services a visit and ask about it.
Try exercising. Making art. Reading a book that you like. Listening to music. Using a stress ball. Anything, really! (:
CONGRATS on passing your check off!
92 Posts
I absolutely feel the same. Terrified, anxious,nervous,scared, and sleepy with every examination of my skill. I think its natural to be nervous and that b/c you are nervous you will be careful with your patient and review information to insure accuracy.
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
Congrats on passing.... confidence just comes with time and practice.
Nursing school just keeps adding one thing on top of the last thing, until your basic skills are so routine that you don't have to think quite so hard about them. Of course, the new stuff keeps you on your toes, and will for the rest of your career.
If your stress levels don't start to come down after a bit, get some help from your school... they have counselors for just that reason. No shame in using them, after all, if it wasn't a fairly common need they would never have set up the counseling system. In our school, instructors are supposed to refer students they think might need a boost. Not to mention, your tuition is paying for it!
83 Posts
Congrats on passing. IDK about stress... eventually you'll learn what works for you.
The best thing you can do is be totally prepared for tests and check offs