Published Apr 14, 2007
DarciaMoonz, LPN
154 Posts
:monkeydance: :balloons: I AM SOOOOO HAPPY RIGHT NOW, I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MYSELF!!! I took the NCLEX on April 12th, and left out of there feeling like I was the missing village idiot. It shut off at 85, and I sat there looking at the blue screen ready to cry because I had that "what the hell just happened" feeling. Most of the questions were priority, and I can say that NONE of the study guides I used helped one bit. I brushed up on my systems, diseases, and went over the nursing process back and forth, and still I felt unprepared for what I actually got. I celebrate with a cold now, because the stress put me over the edge (not sleeping, feeling too nervous to eat, and oh, not sleeping). I must have checked pearsonvue a million times this morning to see if my results were ready. Well thanx all for celebrating with me, and Good luck to those of you who will be taking it someday:balloons: :monkeydance:
62 Posts
Mizzyfrufru, LPN
97 Posts
Congrats to you!:balloons: :balloons: :balloons:
5 Posts
6 Posts
None of the study guides?! Semester 3 of 4 LPN i will hopefully write The NCLEX-PN next summer...April 12th, sigh....Just today spent scant pennies on Kaplan 2007-2008. Hopefully it will be of some use...Well done on your licensing exam!!:balloons:
gt4everpn, BSN, RN
724 Posts
First off :welcome: welcome, your really nurse now, I congratulate you on your success. Indeed, I am dancin up a storm here just for ya!:roll Now go- go forth and work, show 'um how we nurses do our jobs, make money and make us proud. Congrats again, from one PN to another:nurse:
scoobydoo32, RN
264 Posts
congrats:smiley_aa :smiley_aa :smiley_aa