I passed, you didnt.

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Ok, I started my nursing journey with my sis in law, well we jus got finish our first semester last week and I passed (barley) an she failed. Well we both needed to pass the final to pass..she needed a 88 or something and I needed a 72 well before going into the final we talked, she has a bachelors degree in business, me i have just have my CNA an I work as a tech in a hospital. Well she went on an on about how she doesn't think she wants to be a nurse from the things she seen and how she's over how difficult the program is, and that she would just work as a CNA if she failed, and how she would root me on as I go through the program. She would go on about her not having time to study because she has an infant. Ok she has a infant sure but she rarely had her because the grandmother would always have her, I mean ALL THE TIME. And she doesn't work. Me on the other hand she would say I had it easier because my child is older( 3) but I don't have that help I have my child every time I'm not at work or school...and on top of that I work part time 12 hr shifts. I just found away because I really want this, when the family would have something I wouldn't go, I would study. (Which they have something every weekend) And when I would go it would be for a short while. Which I'm noticing I'm going to have to step up my game even more. Basically now she doesn't txt me, I reached out to her to see if she was going to reapply but she jus short talking me which is not her. I knw she's upset even though she tried to make it seem like she didn't care, but it seems like she's mad at me for passing or something....

I agree with the other posters. Do this for you (and Khalil :) ) It is not a competition (well, it was to get IN to school, but you're in now. ;) ), it is your future job and way to make a living.

Maybe you can talk to your SIL about other things and just leave schooling out of the conversations. It is humbling to not pass and for her it is probably like a raw wound that she will need time to heal.

Congratulations on passing your first semester. :) It does get harder so take it a step at a time. Keep studying, keep persevering. It will all be worth it. :nurse:

Thanks, she still isn't really talking to me, but it's ok, I'm just going keep pushing on to graduate.

@khalil'smommie, I believe we both go to ttc and are in the same semester, judging by earlier posts! Maybe she just stopped caring after realizing maybe nursing wasn't for her, after all? I'm not in a study group either, but I have heard from upperclassman that a daily study group for 159 is VERY recommended, so I'm going to do that, and suggest you do the same...congrats to both of us for passing so far, though!

Specializes in Med-Surg, NICU.

I failed and no one reached out to me, so I cut them off. And I felt better about it too because I was surrounded by toxic, overly competitive backstabbers. I returned and got straight As and now am a Junior in the program. Maybe she was around similar people too.

Specializes in Med-Surg, NICU.
I tried to reach out twice since the class ended one week ago I ask her if she would re apply and try to get in for fall...and each time she says "we'll see" never an answer. So I'm not going to talk about the program with her anymore I'll let her come to me. And yes she may be embarrassed.[/quote']

Or maybe she wants you to stop prying into her business.

I failed and no one reached out to me so I cut them off. And I felt better about it too because I was surrounded by toxic, overly competitive backstabbers. I returned and got straight As and now am a Junior in the program. Maybe she was around similar people too.[/quote']

Congrats to you for going back, and yes we both were around competitive people but I wouldn't say they were backstabbers. Sorry you had that experience.

Or maybe she wants you to stop prying into her business.

And by no means was I prying into her business, we BOTH were very close to failing and she asked me what I would do if I had fail before we took the final, and I let her knw I would re apply because I worked so hard to get into the program. We talk nearly everyday before this and as her friend and sis in law, I just wanted her to keep pushing even though she acted like she didn't care. And I was no way pressing her about it, I asked her just twice did she have any idea what she wanted to do and I was there for her if she needed to talk. And I haven't bothered her since about it, she will reach out to me when she's ready. Or when she decides if she wants to continue to pressure the career. But had it been the other way around I would still talk to her like we been doing even if deep down I felt like crap.

I failed and no one reached out to me, so I cut them off. And I felt better about it too because I was surrounded by toxic, overly competitive backstabbers. I returned and got straight As and now am a Junior in the program. Maybe she was around similar people too.

We must be in the same program?(joke) I'm the only man and that is an issue I believe too. It just sucks, but I would take any help I could get if it was offered to me. I figure I have made it this far I can keep doing it...on my own. I'm just the type of person that explains things to people if I see them not understanding something or I offer help. I had a student in my Chemistry class the other day that didn't understand a key concept so I drew it out for her during lecture. She was very appreciative.

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