So i got accepted into a Nursing program a few months ago and i was super excited about it at the beginning but now im concerned about it because it is going wayyyy tooooo fast . so we are basically studying none stop to pass all these exams and quizzes without having a chance to think about what we just did , My grades are good..... VERY good : Health Assessment 98 % Pharmacology 1 96 % Dosage Calculations 99 % Fundamentals 97 % and i know with these grades you guys will probably say ( what is this stupid girl complaining about ) but i swear that i dont think im learning anything !! i study to pass these exams and i feel like ill be " that nurse " that doesnt know **** . Tell me this feeling is normal or not , i am worried about it , we have exams every single week , plus care plans plus before class assignments and did i mention that i work full time ? lol
Maybe im just freaking out but i need someone to talk to because my friends dont understand and they think im exaggerating because im still passing these classes so i should just be ok with that ....