I made a big mistake

Nurses Safety


Last night I had a patient who was in for pneumonia and cxr showed a small pneumo on the left. The patient was in no distress, 02 sat 96-98%, reparations 18. It was an 83 year old man, but he looked as if he had taken care of himself....maybe 70. Anyways, he had a pain pill due and so I gave it at 1930. He had been getting that, so I had no worries. About 2300 he asked for something to make him sleep and I looked and saw that he had gotten a Xanax the night before. Not thinking, I gave it. I should've thougbt more about his diagnosis and age, but for some reason I just gave it. The man was so sweet and I felt so bad because he was in pain from an abscesss that he had drained earlier that day. Plus, we give out Xanax like candy where I work. Everyone gets that or ambien or Ativan and regardless of if theyre in there with respiratory problems. I've never had any problems with patients handling it with pain medicine either. But this patient was different. He didn't take hem often and it just didn't go well for him. By about 0300 he was saying he felt awful, drowsy, weak. I knew immediately I made a mistake. His 02 was still 97% and no distress, but I'm positive it worsened his condition. His lungs sounded worse on the right and he just felt terrible. I felt so bad. I know the doctor who sees him will be upset that he got that, but I honestly feel like it shouldn't have been on his list. A lot of times people just use a list of meds from the nursing home or go by the patients last home med lost from their past admission. They don't always ask what the patient actually takes(depends on the nurse). But I always do. Unfortunately I didn't admit that patient and I had looked to see if he had been taking it and he had....so I gave it. It's definitely a learning experience and I will be treating all of my patients exactly the same when it comes to passing meds from now on. I understand now why were taught to do things a certain way in school. Give the lowest dose, least amount of meds to ease symptoms....not the most u can give. Start with a pill and then dilaudid for breakthrough, and so on. That would save me from hurting patients who can't tolerate a whole lot. It's just that since I've started working almost every patient asks for and gets dilaudid. If they're ordered a pain pill they don't even bother trying it. We're pretty much just feeding addictions. It's rare to see a patient who doesn't ask 30 minutes early for their dilaudid that's due very 2 hours. Anyways, I just had to get hat off my chest. I hope that I didn't harm the patient too much and will definitely never just give something again.

I asked the patient if he was having any sharp, dull, achy pain or discomfort. He said no I'm not hurting I just feel really weird and not good. He was somewhat confused, nauseated, and very weak. I realized that pneumonia can cause some of these things and especially in older adults, But he had not complained of this before. I believe what happened is his condioton was worsening and the Xanax increased his confusion and made him drowsy, which he was describing as weak. I don't know. Maybe that's wrong. The doctor actually said to try to avoid giving that the next day. He didn't say anything else though.

I am thinking the same as you.

Older adults can be very sensitive to the side effects/potential toxicity of some medications, particularly if they are very sick, and/or have other significant medical conditions.


According to my drug guide, Xanax is listed on Beers criteria (2012) in regard to older adults being more sensitive to central nervous system effects of benzodiazepines, including falls. I just checked Beers, and I think you will find some useful information there in regard to what your patient experienced. Xanax is listed under Alprazolam.

From another drug reference, I have also read that as part of the check for contraindications to receiving Xanax, patients who have breathing difficulties should let their physician know this (you mentioned your patient had pneumonia and a small pneumothorax).

Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.

I'm of the same opinion that your administration of a pain pill at 1930 and Xanax at 2300 would not be the cause of awful, drowsy and weak at 0300.

What woke the patient up in the middle of the night? Residual pain from having a needle poked into his chest the day before? Being drowsy at 0300 would be expected if he was not able to sleep. It can also be exhausting to work at breathing with a pneumo and pneumonia decreasing one's respiratory efficiency. Was the pneumo a consequence of the abscess drainage?

You seem to be awfully hard on yourself by assuming you were totally responsible for things not going well for the old man. Based on what you've said I can't see you did anything inappropriate.

However, there are other things going poorly in this scenario. The nurse calling you an idiot has poor pain assessment skills and is leading you to believe it is bad to treat pain. You must assess. Every situation has it's own set of risks vs benefits. It's never right to pass out pain pills like candy (for pleasure) or withhold pain medication just because you don't like to give it.

In an acute care setting I don't give a flying phig about an addict's intentions. If I can safely give meds I will. I cannot address their addictive disease in the short time I have with them and I am not going to punish them for that.

I agree with everyone else completely. There could have been other factors to cause these symptoms.

Drowsy... Not so bad at 0300 expecially after xanax

Weak/awful... lungs sounding worse on the right doesn't scream xanax administration. If anything I think his pneumo had just gotten worse like stated above. Also, you never mentioned if he had a fever at that time. That makes me feel both awful and exhausted.

birdy2, I hope you will re-read the post by ImIntrouble and take it to heart. Real words of wisdom there. And re the nurse you work with who called you an idiot (you are not - not at all - you are intelligent, thoughtful, and caring) and who has been instrumental in reducing patient access to pain medications when he or she in pain the intuitive part of you knows that a big part of what a nurse should be is missing from that woman. I would advise taking everything she says with not a grain but a BOULDER size rock of salt! Chin up, birdy2!!

Well thanks you guys! This kinda made my day. I don't know why I was so worried and didn't realize that she had made me feel like it was my fault. Even when I read your first few responses I didn't get that. Now that I've had time to think about it and not so tired I don't think it was my fault at all. Even if Xanax made it worse, I was just trying to help my patient who hadn't slept in 2 days and it was ordered for him. His vitals were fine. He had taken it before at the same time. He begged me so politely to please give him something to help him relax. He was so depressed and just pitiful. Coughing all night and hurting no matter what u give him. I think that's the sweetest little old man I've ever taken care of lol anyways, he got worse for probably several reasons. I guess I need to stop letting others convince me of things and not be so hard on myself.

It's not like I didn't do all the things I should have. I watched him closely all night and when he started acting different and complaining I think I did the right thing. I assessed him, ordered a cxr, called the MD, and followed all his orders, which was basically watch the patient, call me if he gets worse, cxr in am, chest cart ready.

Thanks to all of you again. I'm gonna take a nap :)

I feel like the other nurse calling you an idiot is what made you question the Xanax. You had no control over what the patients response would be and have a good justification for giving the med (stable prior to giving.. Has had the medication before and tolerated fine).

Don't let someone else "blame" you!! I feel like this happens often in the nursing world.

Specializes in Emergency Room.

I've never worked the floor.

Why wasn't he able to sleep? Was he coughing nonstop? You said he was in no acute distress and no pain. Vitals were are stable.

If he couldn't sleep d/t coughing. I'd probably get a breathing tx and cough surpressant ordered before I'd try the Xanax.

I wouldn't be hard on you for giving the Xanax.

Plus he nurse I have report to said I was an idiot for giving it :(. Whatever, but anyways...

That nurse is an idiot for making a comment like that.

I watched him closely all night and when he started acting different and complaining I think I did the right thing. I assessed him, ordered a cxr, called the MD, and followed all his orders, which was basically watch the patient, call me if he gets worse, cxr in am, chest cart ready.

Thanks to all of you again. I'm gonna take a nap :)

I'm gonna go with the others and say it wasn't the Xanax- and, you responded appropriately. Now get some rest.

Specializes in CVICU, CCRN.

From reading this story, I don't think you did anything wrong at all. It sounds like you did everything right, and I probably would have given him the xanax as well. It was three and a half hours after a pain pill that he was tolerating well.

Out of curiousity though, did you give him the max dose rather than the minimum?

What you SHOULD have done was requesting a STAT chest xray and worry about his pneumo getting larger or maybe an ABG to see if he was retaining CO2? SpO2 and pCO2 do not have an inverse relationship... He could have been progressing into a tension pneumo or developing a worsening effusion while you're worried because you 'made him feel worse'. In these situations you REALLY have to look at the big picture and think about what exactly is going on.

What you SHOULD have done was requesting a STAT chest xray and worry about his pneumo getting larger or maybe an ABG to see if he was retaining CO2? SpO2 and pCO2 do not have an inverse relationship... He could have been progressing into a tension pneumo or developing a worsening effusion while you're worried because you 'made him feel worse'. In these situations you REALLY have to look at the big picture and think about what exactly is going on.

She said on the previous page "I ordered a chest X-ray and he pneumothorax had not increased."

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