Published Aug 29, 2009
212 Posts
1. Why do you want to be a nurse?
I saw Heath Ledger do it in The Dark Knight and thought it was pretty fly. He sure seemed like a happy individual.
2. Do you have any college degrees? (In what and from where?)
I would have my bachelors in Star Wars - Star Trek Relations if I had kissed a little more Klingon ass, if you know what I'm saying...
3. Do you have any medical background?
I was a level 13 Cleric for my Dungeons and Dragons party, my heal spells can remove poisons and curses up to level 8. Impressive, no?
4. Have you ever worked in a hospital? (Where, when, and what did you do?)
No, but I have beaten the hospital level in Left4Dead on expert difficulty. So should we ever find ourselves in a zombie apocalypse, you now know who to turn to.
5. What clinical area do you envision yourself in after graduation? (Why?)
Does the cafeteria count? Nom! Nom! Nom!
6. Are there particular experiences you are hoping to have during this rotation? (Describe)
I have been feeling rather out of touch with my spiritual side. So if I can witness a few miracles, it would greatly restore my faith in whichever deity I giving patronage to these days. Three should suffice.
7. Are there particular concerns you have about this rotation? (Describe)
Should I be worried about contracting Swine Flu since I have oft been called a "pig"? I have similar concerns about diseases that afflict donkeys as well.
8. Is there anything else you would like me to know about you? (Use back if necessary.)
I have an evil twin who occasionally tries to sabotage my life by impersonating as me and committing nefarious deeds. If you believe that you have spotted him, do not try to apprehend him alone. He is armed and extremely sexy.
I threw this on the end of it and sent it.
The typos bother me! Nooooo!!!
groovy jeff, RN
348 Posts
A friend of mine was at a company leadership retreat and the gentleman that was facilitating the exercise asked everyone to stand up and introduce themselves and tell something about themselves that make them unique. He said that it was going around the room with all sorts of lame stuff being said and when it got to him, he just couldn't help himself. He said "I am Mike and I have 3 testicles." I suppose that is why he is my best friend.............
I dont think she read the email yet. We met today (first day), and she didnt seem weird or anything towards me. I didnt bring it up cause I want to see how far I can take this "evil twin" thing.
But jesus, you can taste the tension in the classroom. I dont know why. Lecture was underwhelming. Most of the stuff was "obvious" and I got sick of how many times we were reminded to wash our hands. In a 50 slide PP, at least 10 were just "WASH YOUR HANDS". Everyone was so tense.
During our isolation sim lab, our instructor said "nice little package" at LEAST 50 TIMES! A ton of times when we were practicing taking off gloves, and a ton of times when we were taking off our gowns. I was trying my hardest not to giggle.
621 Posts
just the typical funny stuff of working n a mostly female field. u'll hear a lot about packages, pricks and so on.
Bug Out, BSN
342 Posts
I dont think she read the email yet. We met today (first day), and she didnt seem weird or anything towards me. I didnt bring it up cause I want to see how far I can take this "evil twin" thing.But jesus, you can taste the tension in the classroom. I dont know why. Lecture was underwhelming. Most of the stuff was "obvious" and I got sick of how many times we were reminded to wash our hands. In a 50 slide PP, at least 10 were just "WASH YOUR HANDS". Everyone was so tense. During our isolation sim lab, our instructor said "nice little package" at LEAST 50 TIMES! A ton of times when we were practicing taking off gloves, and a ton of times when we were taking off our gowns. I was trying my hardest not to giggle.
One of my male professors was demonstrating a respiratory assessment on a rather large breasted student, when he had his hand just below her breast he blurted out, "Now listen here for breast sounds....UM...Breath Sounds." Very awkward...
205 Posts
You have a tense group there. Our large breasted cohort would have used them to slap his ears while asking, "can you hear them now".
CrufflerJJ, BSN, RN, EMT-P
1,023 Posts
3. Do you have any medical background? I was a level 13 Cleric for my Dungeons and Dragons party, my heal spells can remove poisons and curses up to level 8. Impressive, no?
Quite impressive! I didn't know that D&D was still around - the last time I played it (AD&D) was back in the mid-80s in college. Fun, fun, fun!
Your responses to many of the questions reminds me a lot of "Skippy's List" - a list of the 213 things that Skippy is no longer allowed to do in the US Army. The first ten are:
1. Not allowed to watch Southpark when I'm supposed to be working.
2. My proper military title is "Specialist Schwarz" not "Princess Anastasia".
3. Not allowed to threaten anyone with black magic.
4. Not allowed to challenge anyone's disbelief of black magic by asking for hair.
5. Not allowed to get silicone breast implants.
6. Not allowed to play "Pulp Fiction" with a suction-cup dart pistol and any officer.
7. Not allowed to add "In accordance with the prophesy" to the end of answers I give to a question an officer asks me.
8. Not allowed to add pictures of officers I don't like to War Criminal posters.
9. Not allowed to title any product "Get Over it".
10. Not allowed to purchase anyone's soul on government time.
For the whole list, see .
23 Posts
I just started playing AD&D with a couple friends of mine - I'm a huge fan of video game RPGs but had never played a table RPG before. Currently I'm a Lv. 2 hobbit thief, which fits me perfectly - I'm short (5'7"), rounder than I'd like to be, could talk the hind leg off a mule and have hairy feet. I wish nursing could be that simple. Patient c/o pain at an 8 out of 10 on the pain scale? Easy, roll two d4...2 and 4? Congrats, your pain level is now 2!
Thankfully we didn't have to go through too much of that Lifetime channel, Better Homes and Gardens, Hallmark card "getting to know you" bull that a lot of schools seem to put students through. I am the only guy in my class and it does get a little awkward at times when our lab instructor brought in a rubber model lady parts to practice inserting Foleys my head I wanted to say "oh, isn't that the Jenna Jameson model?"
We had two girls join our class for second semester who transferred in from other schools, and the first night of class the instructor asked us all to introduce ourselves to them...I just said "hello, I'm the guy." No further introduction needed.
3 weeks.
She finally tells me "I like star trek too" in private.
I play dumb.