Published Aug 10, 2005
302 Posts
Hello everyone, I just found this Indiana Nurses Section. My name is Crystal, I'm 22, I live in Fort Wayne, I'm a NEW LPN (had my license about 3 weeks now), and an IVY TECH graduate. NICE TO MEET ALL OF YOU! :)
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
Hello and welcome to the family of allnurses. Enjoy your stay and good luck!
17 Articles; 45,834 Posts
hello everyone, i just found this indiana nurses section. my name is crystal, i'm 22, i live in fort wayne, i'm a new lpn (had my license about 3 weeks now), and an ivy tech graduate. nice to meet all of you! :) ~crystal
:balloons: hello and welcome :balloons:
siri, crnp, clnc, rlnc
444 Posts
suzy253, RN
3,815 Posts
Hi Crystal. Welcome to the site.
8 Posts
welcome!! I graduated from Ivy Tech Ft. Wayne in 98 (Sandy Sullivan...still there???) (Jewel?? Janet??) This is an awesome forum!!!
Yes, they are all still there. Now they have an ASN-RN program so I'm completing that now.
32 Posts
I'm new here to the site, also. It's nice to meet you. What part of nursing are you working in? I work as a medical nurse and absolutely love it. (I always thought I wanted to be an OB nurse, but changed my mind at the last minute. I have no regrets.) How are your first few weeks going? Keep us updated!
167 Posts
welcome from central indiana! :)
127 Posts
I just found this forum too. I wanted to say a special hello to Crystal and lbennett 71, I'm from Fort Wayne also.