I got my license in the mail 2 days after taking the NCLEX


Specializes in Med/Surg.
Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.


Wow that was fast! Where do you live?

I got my results the next day after taking my test from the state board website but I haven't recv. my license yet in the mail.

Specializes in LTC/Sub Acute Rehab.

Me too! I live in Ohio! WoooHooo! I got mine last Saturday! Ha Ha, WE'RE NURSES!:nurse: :roll :chuckle

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I'm in Ohio too.:roll

wow that is great carrie......

have you found a job yet??

Specializes in Registry, all over the place.

I hope it's that easy for me, CONGRATULATIONS!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

No job yet still looking, I am from a very very small town in ohio on the ohio river and jobs a scarce. I HATE OHIO, but I was born here and all my family are discuraging me not to move, but this is driving me crazy. I have been out of school sence august, took me 6 months to get the courge to take the big TEST, and now that I have passed the dag on thang now job hunting for a new grad here is worse. This is frustrating.

good for you, I'm in a simular situation, I'm doing a refresher course after being out of nursing for awhile. My license will be reinstated in may. Hope I wont have too much trouble finding a hospital or clinic position.

Specializes in LTC/Sub Acute Rehab.


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