I got kicked out of nursing school!!!!!!!!!


Hahahaha silly... well I'm glad it didn't really happen!!!

Specializes in NICU.

Totally got me. I was like WHAT!!!??

I always wake my kids up on April 1 by telling them it's the last day of the school year. After they jump up out of bed all excited, I have the pleasure of bursting their bubble! I know, I'm cruel, but it's just so much fun!

I always wake my kids up on April 1 by telling them it's the last day of the school year. After they jump up out of bed all excited, I have the pleasure of bursting their bubble! I know, I'm cruel, but it's just so much fun!

:fnypst:ROFL!!! My kids would threaten to not take care of me when I'm old, LOL!

Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

you relly got me... and today is the 2nd almost 3rd... my brain is sharp for school but dull for outside life

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