Published Oct 17, 2008
17 Posts
I got a non-nursing temporary clerical job. It is the best I can do right now. No place seems to be hiring around here at this time that can deal with my narc restrictions. It is better than nothing right now, at least I'll have an income through the holidays. After this job is done I'll start looking for a nursing job again but right now I'm just relieved that I'll at least be able to pay my bills for a while.
49 Posts
I hope that you are doing well and I am in the same boat - job hunting!
I can sustain about 2 months with no employment. After that, it is going to be tough. Problem is I live in a small town and there aren't that many jobs here, maybe walmart (yuck).
Whatever happens, I realize I am focused on my treatment and can get through this in time.....
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
Congrats on finding a job, it will help ease some stress at the present
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,417 Posts
You do what you gotta do. Good luck!
3 Posts
I know how you feel I tryed finding a nursing job for months I finally accepted a job at an insurance company for now just to be able to feed my family. Now I am trying again to find a nursing job but like before I am feeling frustrated and defeated by the negative responses. I sometimes ask myself is it really worth it. I know it is and I know someone will hire me.
FireStarterRN, BSN, RN
3,824 Posts
That's great, chaotic! One step at a time!
13 Posts
I also have been working at a non-nursing job and have been for 3 years. I started as a short order cook and now have an office job I really enjoy. As my self-esteem has improved so have my jobs. I look forward to nursing again one day but everyday working brings me one day closer to re-turning to nursing. congrates and well wishes
Where do you live? I live in Spring, Texas. It took me about 4 months after I was given permission to search for a job to get hired as a nurse. Every interview I went on they seemed eager to hire me until they heard tpapn. Couple places were willing but said their icu too small and not enough nurses for accommodations. Was willing to work med-surg or anywhere for that matter. However, after they couldn't put me in icu or ccu, they told me they would see if another area would be possible and get back to me. I never heard from them again.
I've only worked in SICU and rapid response team as a nurse but again I was willing to take any job as a nurse so I applied at an acute care psych facility and I was hired on the spot. I think most psych facilities especially ones with addiction recovery programs are more understanding and willing to hire a nurse in recovery. Have you applied to any psych facilities?