I got my first D!

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in Gynecology/Oncology.

Last semester, my finals were one A and two Bs. I just took my second test (second semester now) in med-surg, I did study, but got a 70 (D)! I know C=RN but D does not. Yikes....I better hit the books hard for next week. What a blow! :selfbonk:

Specializes in Trauma ICU, MICU/SICU.

Hey Student Nurse,

I'm sorry to hear you had a low test grade. Are you able to look over the test to see where your weaknesses are? This should really help you to be able to focus for the next test.

Take care,


Hi, I know how you feel! I had a Bio test on Tuesday: Human Reproduction and Genetics and got a 72,my average in Bio down to 76. Passing in the program I'm in is 75, so I'm still passing but have a final in two weeks and I plan on studying every day. I thought for sure I'd ace this past test, I mean I have 3 kids. It was the hormones that goofed me up and the stupid Punnett Squares. I mean really, in the real world of nursing will I be figuring out Punnett Squares for dominant/recessive genes?

Good luck to you and just keep studying. :)

Keep you head up! Change some of the ways you are studying. I have a 74 in pharm and 74 in med-surg. So I understand you frustration. We have 9 students out of 23 students that are failing this semester, due to the whacked out exams they are using.

I also just found out that I have a photographic memory thus making it very hard to implement the material. When I say 'I just found out' , I mean I never knew there was any other way... until my instructor talked with me. I told her the column, page and exact sentence. - boy, she was floored. She said that I need to research different ways of studying to 'get' what I am studying. So like you, I have to keep my head up. Know that God has brought us thus far.

Last semester, my finals were one A and two Bs. I just took my second test (second semester now) in med-surg, I did study, but got a 70 (D)! I know C=RN but D does not. Yikes....I better hit the books hard for next week. What a blow! :selfbonk:

Back away...from the stick.... :chuckle

You'll hopefully do better next time. I had one of those moments this semester too. Lets just say my March Break...will not be a break at all!!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Trauma, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiac.

Yep, we all blow it once in a while. Good luck to you. Don't beat yourself up too bad.

I'm in the D club too!! Blew the first test. So we learn from our mistakes and move on. I"m in third semester now, and it just seems like they progressively get harder. So back to the books I go!!

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