I found a good way to bridge to RN.

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


so.... all today (since i posted earlier), i've been researching different ways to get some experience in the medical field while studying towards a rn. there is a school called [color=#3b5998]gurnick academy of medical arts here in modesto, plus they have other locations in ca and in nevada.

it is non-profit and i haven't been able to find any negative "dirt" on them.

anyway, it seems that lvn/lpn programs are not too easy to find, so i was happy when i found this. they will also be introducing a new lvn to rn bridge program soon.

i was looking into some cna, cma and phlebotomy programs... but the salary couldn't be enough to support my family. i'm a single mother and am working with one income (mine!). :twocents:

the gurnick tuition is pricey, like $23,000 but the program looks good. i'm going to go down and see the facility monday or tues.

what do you think? - jeanie

Hey collegegirl209

I'm located in Modesto also and I'm starting school on the 27th in Carrigton College California. Check them out! They're located in San Leandro by Hayward. They have one in Stockton but I've heard bad things and they do not offer Lvn.

Ps. Glad to see someone here that's around my area. :-)

angeloa22 - Wow, so you're driving about an hr to get there? Do the classes transfer, like if you wanted to go get your RN at MJC or somewhere else?

How much is the tuition? Is it accredited (regionally)?

Oh, I see that they're accredited. I wish they were closer!!

Specializes in School Nursing.

That is pretty expensive.. and they may say they have an RN bridge coming but there is no guarantee.. Are you sure they are non-profit?

Hey collegegirl209

I'm located in Modesto also and I'm starting school on the 27th in Carrigton College California. Check them out! They're located in San Leandro by Hayward. They have one in Stockton but I've heard bad things and they do not offer Lvn.

Ps. Glad to see someone here that's around my area. :-)

angeloa22.... Did you inquire about the program at Gurnick in Modesto before going to Carrington? I see that Carrington has a LVN to RN bridge too. I wish we were closer to Sac!!! UGH. :down:

Specializes in School Nursing.

Gurnick Academy of Medical Arts in Concord - Nursing for Nurses

If you search this site there is a little bit already posted on this school.

It does sound like they are for-profit and their website only says they are private although I found a couple things via google saying they are a for-profit school. I'd be a bit careful.

Also, I'm looking at schools for BSN that would require me driving an hour. It is sucky and I hope I'd be able to get some closer clinicals but I rather go to a good school with a good reputation than not.

It does sound like they are for-profit and their website only says they are private although I found a couple things via google saying they are a for-profit school. I'd be a bit careful.

Also, I'm looking at schools for BSN that would require me driving an hour. It is sucky and I hope I'd be able to get some closer clinicals but I rather go to a good school with a good reputation than not.

Can u post the links that you found about them being for-profit? I want to read more about them. Thanks.

Hm... nevermind, I found some stuff. At this point I really need to know if grads from Gurnick easily get hired in this area. I know the school will tell me that they do, but I need to ask people that know that are in the field.

If I had trouble finding work or find out that their reputation is not good AFTER I graduate (and pay the tuition)... I would be ******.

Maybe I should take the phlebotomy course and do that while finishing up my prereqs to get in the ADN/RN program at Modesto Jr. College (or Mission College or the BSN at CSU Stan).

It's just that I really wanted to work in the field and be able to support myself while studying to get my RN.

UGH!!!!!! :uhoh3:

Can u post the links that you found about them being for-profit? I want to read more about them. Thanks.

This one is talking about X-ray tech

X-Ray & Ultrasound Tech Programs in Central California | eHow.com

The other thing is they never use the words non-profit on their website and if they were non-profit, they would. Also, if you search for medacademy.org, you might find more information.

Although I know they may have a wait list, it looks like Merced CC has a vocational nursing program as well. That looks like it is 47 units @ $26/unit so $1.2k versus $23k is a big difference.

Specializes in School Nursing.

I think if you pass the NCLEX and get licensed where you went to school doesn't matter much.. you're an LPN and if they are hiring, your chance will be as good as any new grad..

If just the LPN is $30,000.. how much additional is the bridge to RN going to be? It's a lot to think about... but I understand wanting to get in and get it done as soon as you can. I'm a little antsy myself.

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