I failed my NCLEX...what do I do now?


I don't know how or why but I failed it. I had a gut feeling when my classmates were acting weird around me so I decided to check it myself and lo and behold. I studied with Kaplan throughout nursing school and q bank questions so I don't know what went wrong. Please don't judge me on this but I feel like this was supposed to happen... that's why even though it is heartbreaking, I'm not THAT upset. I've always had a fear of tests... I could do anything/everything...gave speeches with confidence and no problem but the test thing, I was never confident about. On the day of graduation, my teacher sent me a "statistics show you fail your nclex if you fail the readiness test" email and that' scarred me. Even a month ago, it was like hindsight bias...not negative thinking. Believe me. I was actually feeling confident and positive before going into the test. It's like my gut kept telling me, "focus on how you're going to overcome it when you don't pass the first time"....my gut kept feeling this way for months but I tried ignoring it...anyhoo,

I bought the "PN course book preparation" from Kaplan and will study from that. It said I have 45-90 days to take it but now sure how to reschedule. I feel like I need to do this soon as ai can (and no, i'm not rushing it. I'm pumped). Please help me on how to get started with all this re-scheduling... any encouraging words?

Thanks everyone!

PS: I know in my heart and in my soul that I'm going to pass and kill it the next time I take it but this hurts... I wonder what life is trying to teach me now?

Lippincot..hmm. I've never liked Lippincot's books, found them a bit dry and hard to understand. I would try Kaplan or Hurst, I had good luck with Kaplan. Do questions every single day. It really helps!

thank you for your reply, I appreciate it. I planned to do Hurst review, do you know if hust video package is the same thing as online review? i was reading about how pple make it and i see that pple used kaplan alot but a friend of mine that used kaplan 4days in class room and thousands of question bank practising failed so am a little confused about that kaplan. I ordered for exam cram and i bought nclex pn q&a incredible made easy is more than 4000 question, has anyone use this two book before. Please advice me

Thank you

Specializes in Post Acute, Home, Inpatient, Hospice/Pall Care.

Kaplan is the best, IMHO. Our classroom was spread over 2 weeks and the book covers everything. You use the online trainers and Qbank and then you review what you got wrong on the questions, review it in the book and do more questions. I have many NCLEX prep books and the newest Saunders is good (while I was in school) but the questions seem much less challenging. You need to make sure you know your content and answer questions. I highly suggest Kaplan or even ATI-although I prefer Kaplan. Good luck!!!!!

Specializes in Psychiatric, Orthopedics.

Hey there. I also failed my first attempt at the Nclex. What I did when I received my second ATT was I scheduled my exam date, and used the remaining months to review my whole Saunders 5th ed., Lacharity book and Kaplan questions. I answered hundreds upon hundreds of questions, prayed and believed. Nothing is impossible if you believe you can conquer the monster. I practiced breathing and relaxation techniques when I would answer nclex type questions during review sessions (this really helps during the real Nclex.. if you practice proper relaxation it'll become a habit come test day)

Exercise during free time, eat healthy foods, don't forget to have fun and pamper yourself from time to time.. During review-- forget about your Twitter/ Facebook and cellphone turn those gadgets off. (When I reviewed for 2 and a half months, I stopped communicating with my friends thru text and had my twitter and fb deactivated lol.. they got shocked when I suddenly RESURRECTED on facebook one day acknowledging my reason of absence- "I made a goal to pass nclex before contacting you guys again..lol")

About that teacher of yours, use him/her as a motivation to do better. You will show himher who's boss once you pass. REMEMBER: no soul in this world has the right to say what you can and cannot do with your life. Nursing is the field you love, then go get that RN license. I will be praying for you my friend, you can do this. Believe, study hard, and BREATHE :)

"God helps those who He sees perseveres"- a quote from the Quran

"Just because someone says you CAN'T do something, doesn't mean you have to listen"- Anonymous

I think the BEST material (book/source) to use to study for the nclex is ATI. Doing ati questions from beginning of the program to the end will help alot on the nclex plus ati website has very good test taking strategies.

Specializes in Post Acute, Home, Inpatient, Hospice/Pall Care.

I think the absolute closest thing to the NCLEX is the Kaplan course, the online assessments look just like the NCLEX and the questions are set up exactly like the NCLEX. We used ATI in school and to me it was FAR easier than Kaplan. Kaplan is tough but it gets you ready for that test like nothing else will. My instructor also taught our Kaplan course and she also writes for the NCLEX. She used Kaplan strategies when teaching us and not one person from my class failed their NCLEX but the students in the other class did not have this instructor and their pass rate was lower. I firmly believe the Kaplan based education we got as well as taking the course and answering hundreds of questions really made a huge difference and is the reason I passed in 75. Good luck to all of you who have to retake or take the NCLEX for the first time. Be calm, be positive, answer questions-whatever kind you have and answer LOTS of them!!!!! You WILL pass!!!!

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