I am exploring options legal nurse consultant?


What does it take to become a legal nurse consultant? I am not super crazy about the day- to-day nursing, so I want to use my BSN when I get it, in unique ways. I plan on working for a while, but want to combine nursing with my business background.

Any ideas?


Specializes in PDN; Burn; Phone triage.

My brother is one of the lead prosecuting attorneys for a state medical board. The legal RNs that they use all have at least 10 years of bedside experience, usually quite a bit more. You're being hired for your experience, not your degree.

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

Absolutely agree with PP. I have actually done this twice. It seems that attorneys use MLC RNs is to either: 1) interpret medical records to 'paint a picture' of what happened or 2) convince the jury of what a 'reasonable and prudent' nurse would have done in a certain situation. So, you have to have a credible amount of experience to fulfill these roles.

OTOH, there are many 'legal minded' nurses who work in Clinical Risk Management. These roles do require advanced education - mostly MSNs, but some are RN/JDs as well.

Specializes in retired LTC.

What about pharmaceutical sales or pharm research?

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