I cant stop buying study guides

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I got accepted into the spring 2008 Nursing program.

Hi. Congratulations on getting into nursing school. I decided I wanted to be a nurse in the summer of 2006 and I will start in Fall of '08 so I applaud the fact that you've stuck with it for so long.

I know exactly what you mean though, about buying stuff. I'll read a post about some great book, find it on Amazon and either buy it myself or have someone buy it for me for Christmas.

I think you need to focus more on your classes now though because if you fail them I assume you won't be starting school in the Spring! One thing I've been trying to teach myself is to not look so far ahead in the future. Sure I have all these great plans about going on for my masters but I really need to focus on my pre-reqs first (as my acceptance is only as good as my maintaining my gpa) and then in nursing school I'll try to focus one semester at a time (hopefully one day it'll be one day at a time).

I totally relate to you though, don't worry! I'm glad I'm starting in the fall because I have the summer off before to do everything you're doing!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I'm feeling you on the study guide kick. I'm in my 2nd week of an accelerated 9 month ASN program and I have to keep telling myself the same thing that peacelovestar said, don't look too far into the future, take it one day at a time, one test at a time.

Today was my 2nd day in a row to the bookstore. I went to 3 different bookstores in town looking for this book I want to read, and in every one of them, I stopped by the nursing/medical section to see if there was anything I needed. At the moment I have Nursing Pharmacology Made Easy, Reviews and Rationales Nursing Fundamentals, and Saunders NCLEX Comprehensive Review ( I was told my past students these books would be essential to the program). I love study guides.

Just take it easy and focus on what's right in front of you, not what's going to be there 3 months from now. It'll be here sooner than you know it, I promise you, take your time and prepare for what's ahead. Good luck!!!

I love study guides too, but I find with my actual reading and schoolwork, I don't even have time to look at them!!! So big waste of money for me!


There is nothing wrong with that.I find that anything that will help you with you studies is the way to go. Congrats on ur entry into the nursing program and I wish you all of the best.

I am with you on that I cannot help myself either lol:) Yesterday I went to FEDEX/Kinkos to debind my Saunders and Prentice Hall- Review and Rationales NCLEX book. Because my plan is I didnt want to carry around the entire heavy text book. So let's say we lecture on F & E I will pull out those sections of the book and tag it along with me so I can review the theory and do the NCLEX questions

First, thank you for your service. I am a former Army brat and I know the sacrifices our men and women have to make. Thank you! :D

Second, big congratulations on being accepted! :monkeydance:

I also love study guides but I've been restraining myself from buying them. It's hard, but whenever I find myself looking at what I might need in the future, I've been refocusing on the fact that I want and need to do well in my current classes. Maybe it would help to promise yourself you'll look at them or buy one *after* you do a certain amount of studying or reading for your current classes?

In any case, good luck to you! :D


Congrats on getting into nursing school! I am the QUEEN of buying study aids off of the internet, so I can totally relate. I am in an accelerated BSN program. The study aids have helped a lot. Especially, the Made Incredibly Easy series. They help with tough topics like pathophys and critical care. Don't worry about failing out of school. You will do fine. Just plan on living and breathing nursing school for the next two years. Most of the people that I have seen that fail out are either not committed or they have too many outside obligations (full time job, family problems). Just study hard and stay focused on your goal :welcome:

i love study guides too, but i find with my actual reading and schoolwork, i don't even have time to look at them!!! so big waste of money for me!


i was going to say the same thing. we have so much stuff to read as a part of the curriculam i would never have time to read the guides aswell! and also each school i think gears their tests and things towards differant things. and since there is so much to remember already be careful not to muddy your mind with to much info. maybe hold off on getting more guides till you start and see what you really need. congrats and good luck!!

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