
Nursing Students General Students


I had asked about this in a previous message, but then got to thinking that the message I wrote had absolutely NOTHING to do with what I want to know! So here goes again!

Does anyone else have trouble with measuring intake on a patient? I can do it, but I have trouble measuring how much they drink from a can (ex.), then having to measure that by "guesstimating", then having to decipher how much my patient had as intake. I get confused and it takes me a while to figure it out. Does anyone know of an easier way? Believe me, I am open to options!:confused: And I have a proficiency on this next week!:eek: So any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Julie

I keep in I&O sheet in my pocket, it tells me how many ccs are in alot of the containers, cans, bottle, etc.

If it would help, I can copy it, and post it here. Just let me know!

It fits on an index card



I would like to see your I&O card if you would post it. I don't have a whole lot of trouble, and the clinical sites are pretty good about telling us what's in something, but maybe your way is better, and it sure would be easier to have something on me in the clinical.


Whether I have one pt or ten, I always keep a sheet on each pt. and a notebook for quick figuring. If my pt is a strict I&O, I give them a cup that has the measurements labeled on the cup. Some pt can help you keep track of intake and output (if they dont have a foley.) Eventually you will get better at conversions, it takes some time.

Also with the sheet I have on my pt's I have RM #name, dx, diet(some pt will be NPO ect), vitals for the shift, diagnostic tests that are scheduled and when, accuchecks and what times. do they have a foley? are they total care, or assist. and any other considerations I find important. I can't remember everything so I write it down, that way if there is something I need to report findings to the RN I have it handy. Kind of off the topic but if you find something you need to report to the RN go ahead and get a set of vitals because she will ask you to anyway. Long winded but I hope it helps

ok, I am a little swamped tonight, but I will find them and post it soon.


Specializes in ER.

Hospital containers generally have the amt they contain posted somewhere on the floor. If the pt buys a soda, iced tea etc the containers have the original amt posted on the side, so when the pt is finished dump it into a hospital container and subtract.

hey ::D i know what you mean about how hard it is to figure out the I & O"s. i'm a student nurse and i cannot ever figure out how to know how many ml's cartons of milk or coffe cups hold and my teacher gets upset with us about not keeping up with I's & O's. any suggestions? :eek:

Specializes in ER.

OK, maybe I'm dense, but doesn't anyone know how to measure? Just measure the volume with water, then fill it up&serve. Or serve, measure what's left when you take it away, then check the full volume and subtract. Easy.

Canoehead~ you're not dense... but my instructor wants us to do this in our heads. That's what I am saying (maybe I didn't make myself clear enough). She wants us to measure the cc's by feel (the weight of the can, container, or whatever) then figure how much our patient had. This is why I get confused... I get lost doing all this by feel and in my head. I just wanted to know if any other nurses had some "tricks of the trade" they'd be willing to share!

If only I could write it down! That would be a HUGE blessing!!!

Thank you everyone for helping me out though...


Julie, wow, i didnt catch the part that you have to do it in your head! I know that my instructor for OB wanted us to be able to estimate lochia by picking up an OB pad, and that was hard! I bet its even tougher with liquids in a cup.

I have NO tricks to help you on that one. Gosh, thats a tough one.

I'm a first semester nursing student and we just finished I&O. What concerns me is why your instructor would want you to figure in your head. We ought to be aiming for more accuracy than that. Just remember, cc=ml. There are 30 ounces in a cc. If you're having to guess on a can of coke, it's normally twelve oz. Divide into fractions. For example: patient drank 1/4 of can. You have 3 ounces that he drank which converts into 90 cc. If they are going to make you guess, make the guess as educated as you can. Fractions would probably be the closest that you will get to accuracy.:) Hope this helps you!

I took my proficiency last week and passed wonderfully! I "felt " how much "coffee" was left in a cup, and figured out how much my patient had taken in, and water in a cup, and water in a "jug". The test was not nearly as hard as I had thought it would be, I took my time and gauged everything out carefully. I took my time and concentrated on it.

I appreciate everyones support for my fears and concerns, nad i thank you all!


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