Hybrid / Online LPN Programs

An increasing number of people want to complete the practical nursing program via online learning. Still, no online practical nursing programs exist at this time. However, hybrid practical nursing programs allow the student to complete courses online and fulfill hands-on clinical requirements face-to-face. Nursing Students LPN/LVN Students Article

Many people want to enter the ranks of the nursing profession by becoming licensed practical nurses (LPNs). Moreover, a significant number of these people are busy adults who must contend with full-time employment, family obligations and other issues that lead to pressing time constraints. Thus, a growing number of these candidates would like to complete the practical nursing program via an entirely distance-based format or online delivery platform.

However, it is totally impossible for a student to complete a practical nursing education entirely online at this time. Therefore, no online practical nursing programs exist at the present time in the US. One might be reading this and asking, "Why?"

The answer to this question directly revolves around the hands-on clinical experiences that all pupils must receive during their nursing educations. In a nutshell, certain hands-on skills simply cannot be taught to students from a distance. Since almost all practical nursing students have never previously worked as a licensed nurse, every board of nursing in the US requires state-approved nursing programs to include a component of hands-on clinical rotations that run concurrently with the theory (classroom / didactic) portion of their nursing education.

Clinical rotations allow the practical nursing student to attain fundamental hands-on experiences that will fulfill state board of nursing mandates, including a deliberate blend of clinical competencies, professional interactions, patient care experiences, opportunities for therapeutic communication, and development of critical thinking skills. A practical nursing student's clinical placements normally take place in a variety of healthcare settings, including acute care hospitals, outpatient centers, psychiatric facilities, nursing homes, public health clinics, and home health.

Some people might respond, "I've been a medical assistant for 10 years and I know all the hands-on skills that an LPN knows." These individuals would still be able to learn something new by completing clinical rotations in a practical nursing program.

Even though no online practical nursing programs are in existence at the present time, hybrid programs are innovative because they enable students to complete theory coursework online and fulfill the hands-on clinical component of their education via face-to-face instruction. Since one of the main goals of distance-based learning is to promote increased access to higher education by offering flexibility to working adults, most colleges that offer hybrid nursing programs attempt to reduce the time students spend in physical classrooms. Therefore, most or all classes tend to be online. Each state board of nursing has its own clinical hour requirements, so hybrid programs do their best to meet them.

A list of hybrid practical nursing programs can be found below. Feel free to post a response if you know of any other programs that are not on this list.

Yes it is the clinical portions of the program (the practicums). But the final 2 practicums can be done in your home town.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Yes it is the clinical portions of the program (the practicums). But the final 2 practicums can be done in your home town.

Thank you for sharing. I will add NorQuest College to the ongoing list. :)

Specializes in Behavioral Health, Float pool- in all areas.

I was just talking with a friend about getting her into a LVN hybrid program. the best one so far is the North central campus in Tx. Is there another competitive online program, that offers a course online, but you can do your clinicals, on the weekend some where else? thank you all

I just came across this post please let me know if you find any information about what you are looking for csuse i also really need that. And also if you know any lon to rn online course

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
And also if you know any lon to rn online course
Excelsior College offers an accredited, reputable distance-based LPN-to-ASN completion program that leads to RN licensure in all states except for California.

Do u know how long it takes for excelsior lpn to rn

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
Do u know how long it takes for excelsior lpn to rn
The program is mostly self-paced. It could take a year or several years, depending on how motivated you are and how quickly you pass the exams and/or complete the courses. Click on the link below for the Excelsior forum.


I have been wanting to enroll in a LPN program and had tried to do so last fall but ended up having to go back to work full time. Now with my work schedule and family I am finding it very difficult to find a program that could accomodate my schedule. Does anyone know of a hybrid program in Oklahoma?

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
I have been wanting to enroll in a LPN program and had tried to do so last fall but ended up having to go back to work full time. Now with my work schedule and family I am finding it very difficult to find a program that could accomodate my schedule. Does anyone know of a hybrid program in Oklahoma?
If you're willing to commute on Interstate 35, there's a hybrid program a few miles south of the Texas state line.

Thats about a 3 or 4 hour drive. I was hoping to find something closer to the Tulsa area.

What's the program called?


I live in California. I am looking for a hybrid program that I can do most of the theory courses on line and can complete the lab or clinical training at my home own over the weekend. Then I can pass the LVN board exam in the state of where the school is and transfer the LPN/LVN license back to California. Is there such a program? Thanks!!!