Published Sep 21, 2005
smk1, LPN
2,195 Posts
I don't know if anyone is watching, but apparently Hurricane Rita has strengthened into a category 3 hurricane and is hovering in the gulf cost threatening parts of texas and New Orleans. The levees are of course nowhere near ready and massive flooding could occur again. They are predicting a strength of a category 4 if it doesn't change course. Hopefully this one will just dissipate somehow. Everyone in the gulf coast area please take care and evacuate if you need to. Don't just assume all will be ok.
just saw that the hurricane has strengthened to a category 5. Please everyone get out of dodge!
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
My middle daughter and her son live in Houston as do my neice and her dd....
My dd#2, boyfriend, and son are stuck supposed to be on their way to Dallas where my children's father resides. I hope they make it okay. Can't reach her cell number because "all circuits are busy now". My neice and her dd are supposed to go to Baton Rouge with her former inlaws where they have family. I strongly encouraged her to go, and NOT stay there in Houston. One of my sisters flew there on Tuesday...was supposed to fly out today, but "all planes have been grounded/no flights out of there now". She may go along with my neice and dd to Baton Rouge with hopes of getting a flight out there. She was supposed to be back to work early in the, that may not happen. Prayers appreciated for not just my family members still there, but for all people in the path of Hurricane Rita. Needless to say...this mom won't be sleeping much tonight. Not until I hear that my family is somewhere safe.
My middle daughter and her son live in Houston as do my neice and her dd....My dd#2, boyfriend, and son are stuck supposed to be on their way to Dallas where my children's father resides. I hope they make it okay. Can't reach her cell number because "all circuits are busy now". My neice and her dd are supposed to go to Baton Rouge with her former inlaws where they have family. I strongly encouraged her to go, and NOT stay there in Houston. One of my sisters flew there on Tuesday...was supposed to fly out today, but "all planes have been grounded/no flights out of there now". She may go along with my neice and dd to Baton Rouge with hopes of getting a flight out there. She was supposed to be back to work early in the, that may not happen. Prayers appreciated for not just my family members still there, but for all people in the path of Hurricane Rita. Needless to say...this mom won't be sleeping much tonight. Not until I hear that my family is somewhere safe.
((((cheerful)))))) i will be praying for your family. Hopefully all is well and they are able to safely evacuate.
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,551 Posts
The problem is................we are maxed out resource wise here in Dallas/Fort Worth. Everything is full, hotels, shelters, volunteers are maxed out. I feel that they need to direct people in a more organized way to more outlying rural areas. Can you imagine these poor people coming all the way here in that horrible traffic, stressed and exhausted, only to find that there is nowhere to stay? It is really a problem. Now they are saying it will probably be a cat. 1 still when it arrives here which means we will have flooding and power outages and all these people need to be kept safe also. It is just a nightmare for everyone.
1,987 Posts
Tell 'em to keep on heading north into Oklahoma. Although we're told that we could be affected by the storm with 10" of rain. But people are welcome up here! We aren't maxed out by any means... yet. But be safe, come early.