2012-2013 HRSA Nursing Scholarship Application

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


The application process hasn't even started yet but I didn't even find out about last year's scholarship until a couple days before the deadline. I did get my application in on time but was not fortunate enough to be a recipient. I intend to apply again for the upcoming scholarship. Any tips from those that were accepted? My EFC is 0, I'm in an undergraduate program, and my GPA is 3.4.

Everyone's status should say under review for now. I am not positive but from my understanding those who are ineligeble or who are no longer being considered might have their status changed as soon as they make those decisions. As far as those who are still in the running we should all know something before the end of August. From previous years some people have been chosen and notified as early as the first week in August. Either way if you get it you will know in the next few weeks. Only those who are eligible but not chosen will be notified by Sept 30. The only reason that someone would get the scholarship, but not be notified until sometime in Sept. is that someone who was offered the scholarship turned it down or became ineligible for some reason, and a spot opened up.

Has anyone from new york city received a credit check? I was informed that they because of the high amount of applicants this year it will be taking longer.

Has anyone from new york city received a credit check? I was informed that they because of the high amount of applicants this year it will be taking longer.

This information is rather curious. I'm surprised that the process may take longer considering some of us received credit checks earlier compared to last year's applicants. Secondly, I thought the application period was shorter this year compared to that of last year. Oh well, I guess with HRSA you just don't know.

Btw I'm from New Jersey ( I know not NY, but close).

hello i was wondering, i applied at north west college and they have grants but is there additional grants i can apply myself and get extra cash let me know thank.

When I submitted my application I was number 14 thousand and something....I called hrsa and they explained that I was in the final step of verication and after everything is verified you may get a credit check. When I called on July 20th they said they had just begun credit checking a few days before and it would continue well into August if you were chosen.

I'm number eighteen thousand and something. I called and she said the same thing. I'm so hopeful:) praying for everyone

I just submitted a discussion not realizing this one was already open. Has anyone heard anything? I received a credit check last year but didn't get it :( My credit is not so good, so I called and asked how much they weight credit and they said long as you have never defaulted on a federal loan, you're okay...but I can't help but be concerned about it. I just looked at my credit report, but they haven't ran it. My application status says "in progress"... yet I'm seeing that other people's states "under review". What's the difference??

I just submitted a discussion not realizing this one was already open. Has anyone heard anything? I received a credit check last year but didn't get it :( My credit is not so good, so I called and asked how much they weight credit and they said long as you have never defaulted on a federal loan, you're okay...but I can't help but be concerned about it. I just looked at my credit report, but they haven't ran it. My application status says "in progress"... yet I'm seeing that other people's states "under review". What's the difference??

Your the first to have in progress. Why didn't you receive it last year

Well... I just called and talked to someone. I had major problems uploading my documents because the system crashed so one of the people at BCRS had to upload and submit it for me. It was horrible, it crashed for over 20 mins, and said that I missed the deadline. I was crushed and in tears because I spent so long preparing. :crying2: They said 8 other people had the same thing happen. She called and said everything was good to go back in May. I can also see that everything was uploaded and submitted. The rep I just spoke to (5 mins ago) said that because of the way my application was submitted...it will say "in progress" indefinitely. I am going to shoot another email to the lady that uploaded it for me. She said that she was one of the people that review the applications. I don't want to seem hasty, but I also want to make sure that everything is okay. My credit was pulled on 8/4 last year.

I am not exactly sure why I didn't receive the scholarship, but was told that they gave preference to seniors due to the stipend money. I was a junior (2011-2012) and now a senior. My good friend received it and she just graduated...she said the scholarship was SOO helpful.

Well... I just called and talked to someone. I had major problems uploading my documents because the system crashed so one of the people at BCRS had to upload and submit it for me. It was horrible, it crashed for over 20 mins, and said that I missed the deadline. I was crushed and in tears because I spent so long preparing. :crying2: They said 8 other people had the same thing happen. She called and said everything was good to go back in May. I can also see that everything was uploaded and submitted. The rep I just spoke to (5 mins ago) said that because of the way my application was submitted...it will say "in progress" indefinitely. I am going to shoot another email to the lady that uploaded it for me. She said that she was one of the people that review the applications. I don't want to seem hasty, but I also want to make sure that everything is okay. My credit was pulled on 8/4 last year.

I am not exactly sure why I didn't receive the scholarship, but was told that they gave preference to seniors due to the stipend money. I was a junior (2011-2012) and now a senior. My good friend received it and she just graduated...she said the scholarship was SOO helpful.

Wow that is a horrible experience. I am a senior also. My GPA is a 3.2 EFC of zero and a mother of twins. Nursing school has been a long and expensive journey. That's why I am claiming this scholarship. And I am praying that you receive it also:)

So weird!! I have a GPA of 3.2 EFC of zero and mother of 1 boy...not twins LOL! And thank you...I will pray for you as well. Yes, nursing school has been a life changing journey. Regardless if I get this scholarship or not...It is a HUGE accomplishment! (Especially for us momma's) My nursing GPA is 3.56, but 11 years ago (at the immature age of 18) I flunked out of college with a 1.4 GPA, which has hindered me from raising it. I'm an A/B student. I got my first C last semester in Mental Health... It was actually a very easy class, but we had a very difficult Heath and Illness class that scheduled tests the same day as Mental Health. Needless to say, I concentrated on Health and Illness MUCH more than Mental Health. I got an 82.3% and needed an 83% to get a B. I was soooo close.

How did you all find out what number y'all were?

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