Howard community college Fall 2015 nursing


Hello all, anyone out there who was accepted at howard community college nursing for fall 2015 evening/weekend session? I also need help as to what to expect and how to handle the challenges. Prospective, Past and Present student please comment. Any advice will help

Hello prude. I was also accepted to the evening/weekend program for Fall 2015. Such an exciting feeling! Im new to HCC and would also like feedback about the program. Looking forward to orientation.

Fellow classmates! I have also been accepted to the '15 Fall nights/weekend program! I can't wait for orientation to meet people and find out so much about the program. Any advice/info I find out I'll be happy to share. Have you guys gotten any insight elsewhere?


First, congrats on being accepted into the program!! I am currently in the 2nd semester of the Evening/Weekend program at HCC. I greatly enjoyed fundamentals and hope you all will too. The best advice I can give you is to come prepared to work starting on day one! Despite it being a part-time program, the course load can get very overwhelming if you don't say on top of things. This is especially true if you plan to work full time or have a family. I would highly encourage forming a study group early on in the semester (no more than 5-6 students though). I personally find it extremely helpful to talk things out in a group. I would also suggest getting a good NCLEX book to help you throughout the semester. Nursing exams are very different from regular exams and it does take some getting use to.

Please feel free to hit me up if you have any other questions and I wish you all the best!

Hello missomini. Thanks for your post. Just a couple of questions for you. What NCLEX book to you recommends me to buy since there are many out there? Which do u use now and is it very helpful? Are the questions similar to what you get in the hcc exam? It is advisable to get a used text book (fundamentals of nursing). Where did you buy your skills kit(cheaper)? Which stethoscope do you recommend? Because the Littman is just too expensive. Thanks for your time

Hi guys, I'm in the program now

Hello Prude!

Sorry for the late response, I don't check into my account as often as I should. Any who, regarding the NCLEX books, I'm currently rotating through 3 different NCLEX books: Mosby's Review Questions for the NCLEX-RN, HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination and Saunders Q&A Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination. While the exact style of the questions does not mimic the ones on the HCC exam, they allow you to put your knowledge into practice which is very helpful. It also gets you in the habit of learning how to answer priority questions and selecting the best answer. Especially pay attention to the rationales! You will hear this over and over from the professors.

I would definitely recommend renting your fundamentals textbook!! You will be required to purchase the Prep-U add on (extremely helpful) but it is much cheaper to buy that on it's own and rent the book. You won't use your fundamentals book at any other point throughout the program. Do, however, buy your pharmacology and Med-Surg book! You will continue to use these as you progress. I bought both of mines used on Amazon (MUCH cheaper than the on-campus bookstore)

Unless a previous nursing student is selling their skills kit, the only place to get it is the HCC bookstore. No real way to get out of this one unfortunately. I can't speak on the stethoscope as I myself have the Littmann Classic II. Although it's on the more expensive side, I think it's a great investment. A lot of the students in my class have the lightweight version which is about $30 cheaper than the classic and they love them. Prestige offers stethoscopes for about $25 which you can look into. But I will tell you that some of my peers went this route and ended up having to purchase a new one by second semester (most fell apart very easily).

Hope this answers your questions and feel free to ask any other questions.

I'm in the last semester at HCC, Nurs-240. Everyone is telling me to be happy that, I'm almost done but to be honest, I'm very scared for this particular class because we have 4 exams and they all carry 25%. No addition projects to supplement towards your grades, just in case you mess up on the one of exams. Anyone, who has taken this class before, please please give me some in put. Thank you

Specializes in NICU.

If you are on Facebook, I would suggest you join the Howard Community College Nursing Students FB group. Alot of these questions can be answered on there. I graduated in 2014. Tough but excellent program. As far as 240, I can only suggest that you stay on top of the material presented in the powerpoints and pay attention to the lectures. If you can record the lectures, anything they discuss in lecture and on the powerpoint is fair game. If you have trouble understanding any topic, I would then go back to the textbook as an additional resource. I felt like the HESI exam was alot tougher than the class exams. Maybe because alot of the material we didn't go over in class; however, I passed the class with a B.

Thank you gal, i read all the powerpoints atleast three times but I'm very nervous.

bcandygurl what enterance did you take to get into HCC nursing progam?

Hello, bcandygurl i just finished my first exam in Nur-240 but i didn't get the grades i was expecting but i was able to just pass the exam. I really like Medsurg but my second exam is cardiovascular which appears to be very difficult material. Is their anyway you could help me and give me

some guidance on how to prepare for my exam pls

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