How To Decide What Area To Go Into?


Hello All!!!!

I am taking an LPN course starting in January and I can't decide what I want to get into when I am done? I have thought about L & D, but now I am not sure. Do you just basically have to wait until you get through clinicals to decide? How did everyone decide what area they wanted to be in? Please need some feedback.

Specializes in Home Health Care.

I had an inclination to what I wanted before starting school (geriatrics, OB, Or home health). I did my clinals and found that I loved and excelled in those areas. One that I didn't realize I would love was my Psych rotation. I chose to do my preceptorship in Geriatric Psych. They offered me a job at the end of my preceptorship. So after I took my boards, I applied there, OB/GYN, Home Health, Med-Surg and School Nursing. I got the best offer (pay, hours, benefits) at the place I completed my preceptorship! I took the job and I'm extremely happy where I'm at.

Don't worry! You'll find where you want to be..

Specializes in Corrections, neurology, dialysis.

It will become clearer to you as you experience different things. It's not uncommon for people to find out they hate what they thought they wanted to do. They also wind up loving things they never thought of doing before, or thought they couldn't handle. I have several classmates who were just sure they wanted to do L&D. Once they got there they found couldn't deal with the whiny mothers and the demanding families. I've never had a real desire to work with the elderly, but in my years of dialysis I find myself falling in love with the elderly over and over. You'll see.

Specializes in Recovery Room (PACU), Surgical, ICU/CCU.

One of the numerous things about being in nursing..the variety is so good. The only thing is you have to start somewhere - whichever areas you go into while you are looking for the 'ideal' spot, you will still get invaluable experience because skills you glean from one area you can still use in another.

I always thought I would love to go into critical care - now that I am here, I am not so sure anymore, but while I am deciding whether to stay or leave, I still get another tick in my resume for the experience...that is the beauty of nursing.:yeah:

First, find out who is hiring LPN's. The jobs section of my hospital website has no jobs available for LPN's. RN's have more job options in picking an area to work in. Home health, doctors offices, and long term care are the major areas LPN's can be found. I have worked with a few in med-surg. Employers are your limiting factor.

Specializes in Med Surg, Hospice.
Employers are your limiting factor.

And that stinks! I'm only second level LPN student and I've already seen I have to go on if I want to continue to do beside nursing.

Your niche will find you. I never in a million years thought I could do Hospice, but that's where I'm going starting in Jan. I always thought I could handle Med-Surg, but after working the floor as an aide, I don't really want to go there. L&D was a wonderful rotation, but most hospitals hire RN's only for that job unless it's a rural hospital and an LPN is all they can get.

Good luck!

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