Published Dec 31, 2003
93 Posts
I am in midst of a terrible (in my mind) dilemma.
I am in the second year of a part-time RPN program. I am a good student, with an average of 88%. My grade in Nursing theory last semester was 92%. I have 2.5 years to go, part-time.
I work during the day for a trucking company. It is a high-stress position, not because of the job, but because of my boss. He has always been rude, mean and demeaning, but it has reached new heights this past month. His fleet insurance came in at over 150% increase - his bottom line is suffering...he sees us, the employees, as the villains (we had two drivers with serious accidents. He blames them for all his woes. I won't go into why they should never have been hired in the first place).
I am a salaried employee and I make good...really Less than as a nurse, but good. I am good at my job. I am a good employee. I am never late and have a good attendance record. In the past month Mr. Boss/Company Owner has taken away our medical and dental benefits (in an effort to save money). Given "perks" such as extra days off to his favourite employees. I asked for Christmas eve off, was denied three weeks ago, said goodbye to him on Christmas eve and he reamed me out for not leaving earlier. When I mentioned I had asked for the day off, he snapped "No you didn't!" and then lectured me on the quality of my work. He had me in tears, on Christmas Eve! Two weeks ago, he called my co-worker and I "F.-ing Retards". He is laying off two other employees, when I told him what my discussion with the Labour Board revealed re: layoffs he yelled "F... THE LABOUR BOARD!!!!" at me. He is abusive, belittling, and swears and curses frequently. Sometimes, he gets so angry I think he is going to hit me, I honestly do. He has been taken to the Labour Board before, but here in Canada they do very little, and in the end, I'm still unemployed if I go to them!
The stress is killing me. Thank God I've been off school for three weeks. I am physically ill, have nightmares and can't sleep, cried from Christmas Eve until Sunday, and am not eating and losing weight. I have looked for another office job, but I need to leave early on Mondays for school, and the job market here is not hot right now.
I have been offered a job at my husband's paper mill. It is "at will" employment, 1/3 less than I make now. It will be early and long hours. It is sorting paper in a cold warehouse. The benefits are irrelevant, since I don't have any :) My husband and I could carpool. The hours would be flexible for school.
The thing is, I hate change! Always have. And I feel like a quitter. I've always been a failure, and going back to school now at the age of 33, I have major self esteem issues. I keep thinking, if I can hang out until I pay off my credit card - if I can hang out until I finish school...but will I make it through school in this state? I doubt it.
I can't make a decision. I would love some advice, some guidance. I was on Prozac a few years ago when I was going through some difficulty, I'm wondering if I should see my doctor again. I feel so sick and tired.
What are some of the crappy jobs you guys worked to put yourselves through school? I am so scared right now. Scared of quitting, scared of failing.....
780 Posts
you hate change but are addicted to abuse? you know what to do, you just do not want to do it. What if your child was in the same situation? what would you tell your child to do?
purplemania, BSN, RN
2,617 Posts
Removing yourself from a bad situation is not "quitting". If you were already a nurse and a patient described this situation, what would you advise? Change is an opportunity to make life better. What do you think will happen when you get out of nursing school? That will require changing jobs. If you are looking for permission to leave that job, I hereby offer it. Start the new year fresh!!
1,326 Posts
OMG! And I thought I hated my job. Well, at least you made me feel better about my situation. :)
I am currently working as a sales assistant for a bunch of neanderthals. They are very sexist, the office is a dump and they all have their own weird quirks - like the day my boss said that I purposely hide and throw things out so that he thinks he's going crazy, and then proceeded to go through my garbage can in an attempt to find said things that I throw away. Sometimes when they do things like that I play that Seinfeld "bum-da-da-da-dum" music in my head just for a little laugh.
In all seriousness I have worked in offices like the one you describe. I actually worked for a company once where the President had all the employees in such a constant tizzy that co-workers would actually get into fist fights.
I worked in another job where everyone was a back stabber and degraded each other. I would just sit on my bed and cry every morning while trying to get dressed for work. Eventually that division of the company was changed around and a lot of the upper management that created that type of environment left. A few months later when I had a chance to work with some of these people again I was amazed to see how nice and relaxed everyone was. They were totally different people.
When you have a boss like yours it quickly lowers the morale of where you work and I truly believe it changes everyones personalities, makes everyone miserable.
As much as people may tell you or you may tell yourself that you won't bring your work problems home, you will as you have allready seen. It's just not worth it if you are this miserable.
You have proven yourself to be a serious student, don't put all your hard work in jeopardy by sticking around an abusive situation.
I say take the job at the paper mill. Is it possible that you could get a job in a hospital or LTC as an aid or extern? That way you would be working but it would also give you experience.
I just interviewed for a nurse externship for this coming summer and if I get the position I'll work most of the summer alongside a nurse and get paid too. Then I hope I can get a job at the hospital as an aide or tech while I finish my last year of school.
I also don't think you are a "quitter" for quiting your current job, just smart
Thank you everyone.
I agree, if I was the nurse and I had a patient going through this, I know what I would say. Especially since I've got something (sad as it is!) to go to.
It will be hard financially. I am used to a level of income and that is a sad fact. However, I have my husband to help, a few years ago I made that same amount, and the flexible hours will go a long way.
I am thinking I will quit. No, not quit. CHANGE careers!
I deserve better. I'm a good employee and should not be treated this way.
Another board I am on (not nursing related) the consensus is that I should be sympathetic to my boss' situation. Sorry, but I see the financial statements, he ain't going bankrupt - it's just cutting into the bottom line. He still will pay more this year to play golf than my annual salary, I'm sure.
Colleen10, I'm glad to see I'm not the only who runs into nuts at work. What is it with people! Doesn't he see that if he treated us all better we would be so much happier, and so much more productive? We are all like little scared rabbits right now. Of HIM!!
Unfortunately, in Canada, it is very difficult to get hired as an aide or tech. The only comparable thing we have would be Personal Support Workers, who have about 20 weeks training and certificate, which I've considered doing - but I can't afford not to work for 20 weeks! I've considered it if I get layed off. However, it is difficult to convince the unemployment office to let me do it. Here in Canada, you cannot go to school full-time and collect Unemployment. They will cut you off. You have to be "available to work at all times". Isn't that stupid? If I did the PSW course, I would be employed for certain. Dumb country I live in!
Thank you all. The support means a lot.
while I agree that your boss is acting out due to his inability to cope with stress, it does not automatically follow that his problem should be your problem. No one has the right to victimize others.
live4today, RN
5,099 Posts
Originally posted by purplemania while I agree that your boss is acting out due to his inability to cope with stress, it does not automatically follow that his problem should be your problem. No one has the right to victimize others.
Ditto to this truth! Don't stay where crap can eventually change you for the worse. Get out, and start anew. Wish you the best! :)
175 Posts
No job is worth shedding tears over. You are not a quitter if you leave that job because it is causing you physical, mental, and emotional damage and could very easily disrupt your schooling. There is bound to be something else you can do even if it is less money. Just keep your eyes focused on finishing school and best wishes to you.