How did you pass mental health course?


Mental health nursing exams are different than med surg exams. how did you pass? I learn best from practice problems but online there aren't that many mental health questions. help please :)

There are many online mental health questions! I am suprised you can't find any! Have you heard of quizlet? You can start by clicking here And nope, that page does not belong to me, I just googled it a second ago!

Anyway, I did lotsa nclex questions to the point that the questions became second nature! I used davis nclex book Davis's Q&A for the NCLEX-RN Examination- With CD (Orange) 10 edition, Kathleen A. Ohman (9780803621879) - It comes with a cd that has more questions. I also utilized this book NCLEX-RN Questions and Answers Made Incredibly Easy religiously! Ocassionally, I'd use lippincott nclex borrowed from a friend in class.

I went about doing at least 75 - 100 questions from the incredibly easy book prior to lecture! Wrote all my rationales down. From just doing the questions, I found that I followed the lecture very easily and retained alot. Following lecture, I'd do more nclex questions from the davis book! Then I reread the rationales over the wkend.

great study tips!! thanks. yes, I love quizlet website. I now use the q bank efficiently for med surg.

The only thing is when I look up the mental health topic discussed in class on quizlet, (for instance neurosis vs psychosis) I am having trouble finding those specific nclex questions instead of just answering random mental health questions. I already have a nclex book but the pages in there don't even talk about what we discuss in class . how I try to study is whatever topic we talk about in class, I instantly review lots of questions , write rationales of why I got it wrong, etc and move on to next topic but having little success with this study method for mental health class. I learn a lot from practice questions like you :)

Specializes in Med/Surg, Gyn, Pospartum & Psych.

I personally liked the book Psychiatric Nursing Made Incredibly Easy. Read the rationales for why the right answers are right and the wrong answers are wrong. Mental health nursing is just a different way of thinking. This is very important aspect of nursing that gets overlooked or brushed under the rug but I have very few med/surg patients who do not have a few psychiatric medications on their eMar. If you understand anxiety and depression, you will have a better feel for how to really treat many patients (living with chronic pain or undiagnosed medical problems causes a lot of anxiety/depression). And the anorexic, suicidal, or substance abuser lands in a medical bed to get medically stablized BEFORE they are eligible for treatment on the psychiatric floor. Schizophrenics and bipolar people get sick and need medical treatments too. The brain is also an organ in the body and when it malfunctions, it deserves competent treatment no different than the patient whose pancreas or heart is malfunctioning.

summer days do you do this for all your classes? thanks

Specializes in Emergency Department.

I used Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Success: A Q&A Review Applying Critical Thinking to Test Taking by Cathy Curtis. I rented it on Amazon and just used a separate notebook for rationales. I really recommend any of the Success books for practice problems because they have a book for every area of nursing.

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

The practice questions on Quizlet with rationales were what got me through Mental Health

Specializes in Ortho.

I just finished up my psych rotation prior to summer break. A lot of people had a difficult time with the class. I really enjoyed it and found it interesting which helped me to do well.

In my class, definitions actually were a key component. You have to know the actual difference between the terms neurosis and psychosis. As part of my study routine, I would always make a list of definitions for the key terms in the chapters we were covering. It really helped me to understand how best to answer the question.

In my experience with my class, a lot of the tests contained questions with similar answers. You always want to be an active listener to your patient without being judgmental. There's only so many ways you can ask someone, "Tell me more about that..." You want to pick the answer that gets you the most information.

thanks everyone. I will know my grade on Monday but the teacher already mention that half the class *15 total* have failed. she is a good teacher too and uses strategies like think-pair-share in lecture , but for some reason the class is not getting the concepts behind mental health.

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