How much do new grad. nurses make in NY

U.S.A. New York


Specializes in NICU.

Hi everyone, I'm a student nurse about to start my preceptorship and i wanted to know my vaule as a new grad nurse into the hospital........I herd its all about where you work and the department but i would like to just know a range if possible.....i'll be working in NY hopefully the city and im interested in PICU, NICU, or ER

thank you

Specializes in acute care.

in the city... 65k or 68k was the lowest base pay I've seen (without differentials). I know NGs starting @80k

check out the New York Nurses section, it's been discussed before.

New York Nurses - Nursing for Nurses

Specializes in burning out.

Uh, I would seriously do a thorough search of opportunities available here. Without a BSN and a high GPA, you probably won't be considered unless you know unit managers directly.


I think if you cannot find what your looking for on this site then I do not know what else to say.

Specializes in Tele, Dialysis, Med-Surg, ICU,GI.

Warning: NY nurses make a nice salary but remember NY has a very high cost of living. Also, hospitals are not keen on hiring new grads right now, and hospital wards are closing down and not opening up

Specializes in acute care.

People survive in NYC on much lower salaries than what RNs make. Unless one needs to live a lavish lifestyle, the salaries are pretty good to live on.

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

I think if you cannot find what your looking for on this site then I do not know what else to say.

Looked into the link and it's an excellent one. I know that the salaries/wages quoted per state were in fact very close if not quite accurate. I was a little shocked to find out that we here in Honolulu are some of the top paid nurses in the nation. For some reason I was under the impression that we weren't making as much as our union counter parts on the mainland.

Great link! :up:

Specializes in NICU.

thx everyone for your help

Looked into the link and it's an excellent one. I know that the salaries/wages quoted per state were in fact very close if not quite accurate. I was a little shocked to find out that we here in Honolulu are some of the top paid nurses in the nation. For some reason I was under the impression that we weren't making as much as our union counter parts on the mainland.

Great link! :up:

I used to know were to get this info with a cost of living index as well it was published by a magazine we had at our nursing school. I am all about accurate figures so many people exagerate what nurses make and it hurts us in the end, so when doing a project sharing about the nursing schortage these kinds of details were very handy. Cost of education also has to be taken into consideration both two year and four year students spend alot in tuition and housing in nursing programs and with the current lag of lower level positions the risk of becoming a nurse is now very real and sad.

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