How many quit???


I've heard that a large % of people who start the nursing program drop out - what is your experience in this? I'm worried about going so much in debt and not being able to finish the program once I start.

Guess I'm feeling kinda dumb today - have a test and as usual feel totally unprepared even though I've studied for hours!! :crying2:

Any tips on studying for A&P???

choosing nursing, i know what i want to do and why. it is hard way to go through, but i cannot imagine not to study so hard when after all i am going work with people and on people. i woudl never give my own baby, mom, or any from my family to someone who is not competent to do tasks which he or she suppose to do. that is why nursing or other medical fields are so demanding and hard, but if person realize it and know that effort put during these years will percent later on.

i would never quit. not that i do not consider that, but i just keep in mind that many other go through it before me and will after and it just up to me if i want to quit, give up because i feel so tired to learn and be good nurse in future or other way if nursing is not for me after all so that is why i would consider quiting. for now, i feel nervous, anxious, irritable, but also happy and on the right way.

my advice, consider if nursing is for you. if you feel in the right place, if you feel that helping other this way is what you reaaly want to do. if there is something else what you can replace nursing for. what makes you more happy, what is more interesting for you etc...

you cannot say that you would waist time during school (if you quit), because people always learn thru life experiences. you are more rich in your nursing experience that you think and even changing to somethind else will gine you goods which you realize later on.

but keep your faith, hope... all of us has bad and good days and no matter on it is worth to try and love what you do and do it.

take care :) :)

The nurses I work with told me at the community college here, they have a fairly high dropout rate, like 10 to 20 percent.

At the private school i"m going to now though, I've been told they have a VERY low drop out rate, around 1 or 2 percent. I think part of that is, the private school has tougher admisson requirements, and costs $15,000 a year as opposed to $3000 a year. Most of us figure if we're paying that kind of money, to go the distance.

Oh crap, that about little over half of what i am paying right now for my private college BS in nursing. Count your self lucky!!

Don't be scared by drop out rates, why not ask your school's statistics (if they keep records from year to year)?

The BSN program I'm attending averages 1-2 drop-outs per 50-60 person class by graduation time. Not too shabby, I think. I don't know if it's because they take people with high academic records, or because it's just a supportive (albeit difficult) environment.

Good luck! :)

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

WE started out with a grand total of 73. We graduated 44.

ERslave, you had to wipe so much *** and replace bed pans as a nursing student, its pathetic, I know because I did clinicals in a teaching hospital too. I never meant to imply that nurses are unintelligent. I was already "treated like a dog" as a nursing student cleaning up code browns, changing soiled linens and bathing patients,etc. There are thousands of medical students who graduate every year who have never been a nurse or gone to nursing school, so the fact that I chose to leave nursing school will have nothing to do with performance in medical school; I didn't leave nursing because I couldn't handle the material, like the vast majority of ppl in nursing school I left behind one career in the pursuit of another. Just what makes you think you have any idea what my capabilities as a healthcare provider are, you are the one that needs to leave their ego @ home and you clearly do not know any more about what medical school is like since you have never been. You certainly wouldn't lash out like this to a premed who who went into nursing instead would you? I won't apologize because I don't believe in the nursing model, feel free to quote me again. And yes, I am sure I will be in for a big surprise when I encounter nurses such as you who want to be treated as the profesionals they are and do not like be stigmatized as being the handmaidens of doctors, yet perpetuate onto aspiring physicians the stereotypical motivations to study medicine. With nurses like yourself, I'll take my chances with the attendings as a medical student and resident.

WOW! you have such a kind and caring trait about you! I can sense it in your posts.I'm sure you will make an excellent physcian someday having been through a portion of nursing school allready!!! Way to be a team player there bud!

take care

Speaking as someone who has been an LPN for a long time and is now three terms away from FINALLY getting my ASN (hopefully) ... I have heard the "Our pass/fail rates are in the 90something percent for the NCLEXRN and our graduation rate is very good" speech from the professors so many times it makes my head spin. My class started out with 80 or 90 students last fall and by winter we had lost half... we lost a few more by spring... I have heard that a few more have trickeled out during summer practicums. We will add to our numbers thanks to the incoming LPN-RN students but our original class is small compared to what it was. Nursing school is hard for a reason- they try to "weed out" those who might snap in the real world.... but in reality they are only ading to the stress of the nursing shortage by preventing some good people from becoming nurses... (just my opinion though).... :rolleyes:

At our Uni I'd say we've had about 60-70% drop out since we started 3 years ago. Not necessarily because the course was too hard, but mainly because once they realise the work involved they were kinda turned off the idea. We started off with around 180 students, now we're down to something like 60.

I enjoyed college before nursing school.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Emergency.

I have heard that about a third of the class doesn't graduate. I have also heard that a high number of new grads quit nursing within the first three years of becoming a registered nurse. The bottom line is, if you really want to be a nurse don't let anything stop you! There will be tests you don't do well on and there will be times you feel like quitting, but always keep your goals in mind.

Specializes in M/S/Tele, Home Health, Gen ICU.

It is a shame that the nurse vs MD feud seems to be perpetuated here. Nurses and MDs have two very distinct roles in patient care and should be working as a team together with the goal of helping the patient. MDs spend very little time with their patients in comparison to nurses who perform most of the care. Hospitals and patients need both equally. I hope that when you become a med student notamannurseanymorcc that you will honor your parents profession and learn from your experience in nursing school and treat the nurses you work with as colleagues, professionals and with respect. Nursing is a tough feild and the drop out rate may seem high, it would be interesting to compare with other health careers such as PT, OT, ST, MD etc.

:p you said it :p

i won't quit. they'll have to throw me out, kicking, screaming, spitting, etc. :chuckle

but, i have to some of my classes already, there are people that just want to know enough to pass the test. even in cpr! they don't care if they know it or not, they just want to pass. these people scare me if they actually make it through.

as a nursing instructor, this is my greatest concern also. you might be amazed how many nursing strudents try to get by with as little as possible...and want their instructors to "just tell us what's on the test". personally, this is not the kind of nurse i want taking care of me or my loved ones! :nono:

do we fail these students? no! if they are able to provide safe patient care and pass their tests with a 75% or better, they graduate. however, those who learn only what they have to to pass the test may not havwe the foundation they need to complete the whole program since it builds term-on-term. also, memorizing for a test isn't the same as applying it to caring for patients and they may not be able to function well in the clinical setting.

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