This a true story and I hope no one will laugh at me.
I am a nursing student and I am currently working as a CNA in a hospital.
Today I just worked an evening shift and there were two patients on my floor that had MRSA. I was careful enough that each time when I entered their rooms, I would put my gown and gloves on. And I also washed my hands after working with them.
And here is the dumpest part of the story...:imbar
I went in to one of my MRSA patient's room and he said he wanted more "hot water" in his tea. So I took his cup (with the teabag in it) out and went to the kitchen to get some hot water. Since I was using tap water and wearing gloves, I was not able to tell if the water was "hot" enough. So what I did was put my nose and face "REAL" close to the cup to feel the steam.
Now, my question for all of you smart people out there is, do you think that I can get MRSA from sniffing his saliver (which was on the cup that he used)?
I am very worry now because I have two young sons at home and we sometimes share food and utensils.
How do I know if I have MRSA? Do I need to get a titer to find out?