How do I approach Daddy?

Nursing Students General Students


When I applied for nursing school in July, my dad said that he and his wife wanted to pay for my first semester. Stating, "whatever that cost may be." I was thrilled at the offer, but especially touched at my Dad's support. So, needless to say, I haven't put the needed money aside. Well, I was accepted into nursing school this week and have had two conversations with my Dad. He didn't mention the previous offer. And, I did not want to bring it up. I am in a position now, that I need his assistance. This weeks expenses have tapped me out. I know that additional expenses are just around the corner. How do I approach him? It is just so uncomfortable to bring up asking for money..... ugh. Any advice? :uhoh3:

Thanks to all!!!! I still haven't gathered up the nerve yet. I have orientation on Nov. 16. I will most likely get a run down of the expenses and then tackle my nerves and go for it.

Others have already said this, but I'll reiterate: Apply for FINANCIAL AID! It's free money for school. Even if you don't get anything, it doesn't hurt to apply. However, with 3 kids and a husband on disability, you will most likely get assistance. It's less money you have to ask your dad for. Call your school's financial aid office and they'll walk you through how to apply (it's super easy, just make sure you have your tax forms from last year when you fill out the app.). And if it turns out that your dad doesn't want to give you assistance, you have to fill out FAFSA forms before you can take student loans out anyway. Good luck!

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

I am curious though - he said he would help with the first semester and you are now already tapped out by your own words. How are you intending to pay for all the other semesters even if he pays for this one?

I am curious though - he said he would help with the first semester and you are now already tapped out by your own words. How are you intending to pay for all the other semesters even if he pays for this one?

I will be able to get a job during the summer. I start school in Jan until late May. Fall semester starts late Aug. The majority of the expenses are in the first semester.

Others have already said this, but I'll reiterate: Apply for FINANCIAL AID! It's free money for school. Even if you don't get anything, it doesn't hurt to apply.

I have the maximum credits for financial aid and am unable to receive the Pell grant. I do get board of governor's waiver, which will pay for my tuition.


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