Hi all, I know I've posted a lot about my covid unit so apologies in advance. Yesterday I found out our clerk has tested positive. Today I found out one of our RTs is having symptoms. Our clerk mentioned Mon her husband lost his sense of taste and smell and she had him quarantined in their camper. But she still came to work until Thurs when she felt sick and got tested. My last exposure to her on Mon with mask on 6 ft away except 2 seconds grabbing labels from her.
The RT I last saw yesterday. She spends (not kidding) her entire shift in our break room unless someone pages her. RT has their own break room but she prefers ours. She does make us coffee and clean the fridge...? but all day with no mask talking on her phone or on her laptop! She goes near our locker area, in our bathroom, and sits at the table where we eat. We have limit 3 people in break room 6 ft apart, but she is usually one of the 3. I've started mostly eating alone in another room.
We called infection control to see if we should quarantine and test. They said if no symptoms no, I'm guessing they can't afford to quarantine the whole day shift staff. they said to get tested 10 days from the last contact since incubation period can be up to 10 days and that we wouldn't be contagious before then. Is this true? I can't find concrete research to support it. I want to quarantine 10 days and get tested. For now I won't see anyone until I get tested, but I will still go to work unless symptoms. I guess I could get covid any day at work so maybe there's no point to test unless symptoms? but this is a known exposure and she wasn't wearing a mask in a small indoor space. We have complained about her but nothing done. What is your recommendation smart nurses?? P.S. I am planning to eat alone in my car from now on.