Published Jan 21, 2015
sweet sunshine
64 Posts
Just seeing how shift report is done in other places.
sistrmoon, BSN, RN
842 Posts
Report is done face to face at the desk then bedside rounds are done to check the patient, fluids, etc. At my previous hospital, report was recorded and listened to on a phone, but the off going nurse had to hang out in case there were questions.
CelticGoddess, BSN, RN
896 Posts
We utilize bed side reporting. When I first started working at this facility, they did face to face outside the room then went in and met the patient. I actually find bedside shift reporting to be quicker. Some of the nurses don't like it and try to stay in the hall but I go in the room anyway.
RNperdiem, RN
4,592 Posts
We gather in the breakroom. At 0700, the charge nurse gives a quick unit report, gives us our patient assignments and we go to meet the off going nurse for report. Usually we do the whole report at the bedside, sometimes we do the first part outside the patient room, then do a show-and-tell where we check IVs, and double sign off narcotic or heparin drips.
There are computers in each room, so we can both pull up the patient information screen and check labs, latest vitals and current orders.
wanderlustnurse88, RN
198 Posts
In LTC and in acute care where I work now, we do a taped report. We don't have to stay while they listen to it.
brandy1017, ASN, RN
2,893 Posts
Bedside report is the latest gimmick to try to raise the Press Ganey scores. I don't mind the meet and greet, but think it would be better to give report at the station as some things we can't mention in front of the patients or confusion or language barrier, then have a brief report with the patient after. Unfortunately our input is not asked for or listened to. We are told what to do like little children and this is all about customer service and how can we get higher ratings. Very frustrating! It is distracting and hard to concentrate standing at the bedside as now you have an audience that wants to be entertained and plus wants water or needs to go to the bathroom and it takes longer to give report now. I just resign myself to getting only a brief report and then having to find out the rest later via H & P and consult notes.