How far out is the NCLEX scheduling?

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi all!

I live in Florida and graduate on August 6th! Hopefully to take the NCLEX as soon as I can but hearing its backed up. Any info on that??

From what I have heard from new grads recently, it depends on where you live and how far you are willing to travel. I know one who was able to test the week after she graduated but she drove about 4.5 hours away to a center with a lot of open availability. The ones closer to her had nothing open for a couple months and she said she didn’t want to wait.

I think it's much easier to schedule a test date if you're flexible in where you decide to test. I graduated in May and was able to take NCLEX June 5th, but my time slot was at 6:30 am in DC (I live in Baltimore so not the longest drive, so I consider myself very lucky). I have classmates who are stuck with testing dates in October and November.

Specializes in Oncology.


I graduated from Howard Community College in Columbia and my app was marked received on May 5. A bunch of my classmates (app received dates scattered some before me some after me) have received their ATTs. I have not, about half my class is in the same boat. MBON does not respond and my director of nursing doesn’t answer any emails either. When was your graduation/app date and when did you get your att?

2 hours ago, BagelBomber said:

I think it's much easier to schedule a test date if you're flexible in where you decide to test. I graduated in May and was able to take NCLEX June 5th, but my time slot was at 6:30 am in DC (I live in Baltimore so not the longest drive, so I consider myself very lucky). I have classmates who are stuck with testing dates in October and November.

4 minutes ago, gretchmm said:


I graduated from Howard Community College in Columbia and my app was marked received on May 5. A bunch of my classmates (app received dates scattered some before me some after me) have received their ATTs. I have not, about half my class is in the same boat. MBON does not respond and my director of nursing doesn’t answer any emails either. When was your graduation/app date and when did you get your att?

I am so sorry, that sounds really frustrating! I got my finger prints and photo done in the first week of April, finished my application April 16, graduated May 19, received my ATT May 23.

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